Cemetery plans Memorial Day event

14 years ago

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Cemetery plans Memorial Day event

By Barbara Scott

Staff Writer

Memorial Day Services will take place at the Northern Maine Veterans’ Cemetery in Caribou on Monday, May 30 beginning at 1 p.m.

According to Harry Hafford, chairman of the NMVCC  the keynote speaker for the afternoon service will be Kelley Kash, (Col. U.S.A.F., MSC) chief executive officer of the Maine Veterans’ Homes.

Other guests speakers will include Sharon Campbell, regional representative for Sen. Olympia Snowe; Phil Bosse, state office representative for Sen. Susan Collins; and Barbara Hayslett, district representative for Congressman Michael Michaud.

The program will also feature the presentation of colors by members of the Loring Job Corps Honor Guard, under the direction of Sgt. Major Roger Felix; an Invocation and Benediction given by Father Jean Paul Labrie; the National Anthem and “Amazing Grace” will be sung by guest vocalist Chloe Wheeler; and members of the Madawaska Legion Post 147 rifle squad will present the 21-Gun Salute; followed by the playing of “Taps”, orchestrated by Fred Ormezzani, member of the NMVC committee.

The traditional Memorial Wreath will be placed by Hafford and Kash.

Dave Bell will serve as master of ceremonies for the May 30 program.

The Northern Maine Veterans’ Cemetery is located on the Lombard Road in Caribou. For more information go to www.maineveteranscemeterycaribou.org.