Full-time Orient resident sets record straight

14 years ago

To the editor:
    As a year-round resident, taxpayer, and the only citizen to attend every selectman’s meeting in the past year except for February 2011, I would like to make some corrections to the letter by Mr. Dombeck published in this paper on May 18, 2011.
    First, the Food Pantry is a service that is providing assistance to families and individuals who must deal with the poor economic conditions of the area year-round. This is a community not just a vacation spot.
    Second, Mr. Dombeck is an elderly gentleman who only summers here and has not been to Orient since the summer of 2009.
    Third, the vote to have five selectmen was held in August of 2010, not November. Since that time, many of the full-time residents have been concerned. In August 2010, the article only passed by one vote.
    We have a limited number of citizens who are willing to run and dedicate themselves to the proper management of the town. Our selectmen, school board members, and other committee members must give up their own personal time to sign warrants to pay our bills and deal with matters that cannot wait until formal meetings. Finding five people just for selectman positions would prove a great challenge as well as draw from the limited citizen pool that provides other elected officials for the town.
    Fourth, at the April 2011 meeting Selectman Terry Silkey stated that concerned citizens had asked if the town of Orient could revisit the choice of five selectmen versus the three the town has traditionally had. There was discussion by all three selectmen. Donald Ellis, chairman (who was present and presiding) asked Selectman Silkey to make the motion, which he did. Chairman Ellis then called for a second and Selectman Victor Alexander seconded the motion stating that he felt it was a decision to be made by the voters. Chairman Ellis then called for the vote to hold the Special Meeting. Chair Ellis abstained and Selectmen Silkey and Alexander voted to have the meeting to let the voters decide. Chairman Ellis then instructed Town Clerk Alicia Silkey to contact Maine Municipal Association, to be sure that proper procedures were followed.
    The meeting was held and the majority of citizens voting were professional people, business owners, and career people, not “freeloaders” as Mr. Dombeck stated. I personally was working at 6 o’clock on a Friday night and did not get to vote but my vote would have been for three selectmen.
    Also, Mr. Dombeck was incorrect in stating that Selectman Silkey was running for reelection. The selectman seat up for election this year is that of Mr. Alexander and since nomination papers are not available until June, it is unknown who is running for that seat.
    Mr. Dombeck also stated that the warrant for the Special Meeting was not in the Pioneer Times until two days before the meeting. That is incorrect, as I saw it in the paper of April 27, 2011, with the meeting on May 6, 2011. At the time it was voted 21 – 6 in favor of returning to three selectmen.
    The voters of Orient have made their decision and are tired of interference from people like Mr. Dombeck who just bother with us for vacations and don’t put up with the bad weather or economy.
    To those who think like Mr. Dombeck that when they return to where they chose to live for 8 or 10 months of the year, that the town of Orient closes its doors and hibernates all winter in great anticipation of your return, we do not. We, the “lazy, poverty-stricken, ignorant freeloaders” of Orient, somehow function and muddle through all winter without your expertise. We have just survived yet another winter without you. Can you imagine?
Louise Beaulieu