History of the Micmac People: Mutual respect

14 years ago

History of the Micmac People: Mutual respect

The Micmac people of old and present day have always been taught about respect towards elders, women, men and most importantly children.

It is very beneficial to oversee the meaning of respect, especially in times of intense arguments. The Micmac people have always been articulated by our elders as to the reasons why we respect the people within our life. Respect, is a mutual feeling, some deserve it, while others just simply do not. This is a trait that has been passed down from parent to child and so on through pure communication, which is lacking these days.

We respect our elders because they show us our ways, through what they have experienced and what they have seen. Much thought is given to the teachings that we learn from our elders, from basic parenting to life learning skills that we will never learn in school, but we learn in the school of life. The elders are our eyes of the past because they have seen we will never see again; they are our ears into the present, for they hear what we say; and they are our conscience of the future. The elders have the experience to know of what will happen and how it will happen. We give much respect to the elders, by having them eat first, letting the elders lead us and by teaching our children.

We respect women, because they are the life givers of our people, of all people. Women are the strength behind the men; they drive the men, spiritually to want to achieve. Women are the ones who mold the children to learn the basics within their early years. Women are strong in emotion and in spirit; they are capable of tearing down any strong man with their words. By having the women eat after the elders and by letting the women with the community teach our young ones about what they can achieve.

We respect our children, they do not demand it but they need to see what respect is all about in order to understand it. Children are our future, for them to understand what is around them; they must understand and see what respect is. The parents have the responsibility to teach their children about respect by having the children imitate them, and then the children will see what is required of them.

Lastly, the men have always been taught they we can take care of themselves, but at times, men realize they need help from the women. Men have always been the protectors of the family, the ones that engaged in battle, to hunt and provide for the family, but that responsibility was shared with the women. We must remember that men have the gift of strength, we must not abuse that gift by harming our family or others. For harming someone with a gift, is a curse to what your parents have taught you. As men, they must remain strong within the family and must be vigilant in the cause of harmonious living.

These are the teachings that our parents, our people and our elders that have been passed on to us. We must continue to respect each other, set aside our differences, place ourselves in other peoples shoes before we act and lastly, have fun with each other’s company.

John Dennis is the cultural/community development director for the Aroostook Band of Micmacs.