Community Notebook

14 years ago

Sherman Seniors gather
The Sherman Area Senior Citizens Club met for lunch at the Sherman gym on Wednesday, June 1.
We voted to drive to Smyrna Mills Brookside Restaurant for a summer outing on July 6, meeting in our own cars at Kelley’s Shell at 10:30 a.m. and will consolidate ride-sharing in order to save gas. Call Annie to make your reservation at 365-4293.
We played Beano after our lunch.
    Present were Fred and Annie Atkinson, Terese Albert, Eva Perry, Donna Grass, Linniea Perry, Frances Gorman, Mary Lawler and Bonita Staples.

Dyer Brook News
On Friday, May 6, Miss Wannetta Townsend and Mrs. Hazel Bells attended the annual RSVP Region dinner at the Oakfield Community Center.
On Tuesday, May 10, Mrs. Marie Gillotti, Mrs. Sandi Wyman, Mrs. Charlotte Durr and Miss Wannetta Townsend, along with other Purple Hat Ladies Society members, had lunch at the Save Building in Houlton.
On Wednesday, May 18, Miss Wannetta Townsend attended Senior Citizens at the Smoki-Hauler Snow club in Oakfield.
Curt Fanjoy and Lyle Melcher of Meriden, Conn. and Levan Botting of Merrie were recent callers on Curt and Lyle’s cousin, Miss Wannetta Townsend.
On Sunday, May 22, there was a good turnout for a surprise 75th birthday party for Roger Ethier at the Oakfield Community Center.
On Saturday, May 28, Mrs. Gail Berry and Mrs. Angela McArdle and Emily of Ashland were callers on Mrs. Berry’s sister, Miss Wannetta Townsend.
On Sunday, May 29, Mr. and Mrs. Randy Emery of Island Falls and Miss Wannetta Townsend were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sanders in Smyrna.
On Wednesday, June 1, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Gillotti and Jinny were in Presque Isle where Mrs. Gillotti had eye surgery.
On Wednesday, June 1, Miss Wannetta Townsend attended Senior Citizens at the Smoki-Hauler Snow Club in Oakfield.
Devin Slauenwhite, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slauenwhite of Dyer Brook, has been placed on the President’s List at Stevens-Henager College in Salt Lake City, Utah. Slauenwhite has maintained a GPA of 4.0. Devin lives in West Jordan, Utah with his wife, Andrea.
Mrs. Carlos Slauenwhite has returned home after spending some time with her brother, Kevin Hersey, in Jacksonville, N.C.

Happy Losers Meet
By Shirley Sides
The first day of June the Happy Losers held their meeting at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls. Jackie Pratt, our leader opened the meeting with the pledge and roll call. Ten ladies weighed-in and attended.
Annie Jane Smith was the person who lost the most weight for the week, and Riva Hawkes was runner-up. Great job ladies. The secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week.
Honeysuckle team won the contest for the week. Lilacs are closing in. The contest will be over June 29. Jackie Pratt, led the program for the week. Her topic was on an article called five Reasons To Stop Worrying. Meetings are always interesting and informative.
Please feel welcome to the group every Wed. 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9:00 a.m.
Call 365-4884 for more info. See you there!

Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing
Welcome to June everybody now in its second week. Where did May go with its wet weather, cold and storms! Jeanie and Paul Armstrong were in Bangor on Friday.
Harold and Judy Fitzpatrick of Houlton celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last week and received a special blessing from their pastor, Rev. David Raymond. Congratulations to this popular couple and their family. Many more years together is my wish.
Our sympathy goes out to Molly and Chester Bailey of Houlton in the loss of their daughter, Janice Brown, who died suddenly as the result of a automobile accident in Rockland, where Janice worked. Janice was a warm and popular girl and she will leave a big loss at her work. God bless Molly and family in this time of distress.
Our Ricker Plaza family is also sending their sympathy to Carmen Chasse in the loss of Bob, her husband. They lived for many years here on the third floor. Bob has been suffering for a long time with cancer and now he is at peace. God bless everyone in Bob’s family. We will all miss him.
Shirley Nason attended the graduation of the Houlton High School Saturday, June 4. Her niece, Leann was one of the graduates and she was so happy. Congratulations to Leann and all the other graduates.
Patrick Downing, grandson of Lois Downing, graduated from Wakefield High School in Wakefield, MA on June 4. Congratulations to Patrick for a job well done. Pat is the son of Paul and Linda Downing.
Jeff Thibodeau has been in the office this week from Portland. Lois Downing returned from Bangor on Thursday of last week. Lois helped her daughter Kathryn Hall  celebrate her birthday. They had a party at Kathy’s residence with 30 guests in attendance. Music was provided by her uncle, Paul Phelan of Westbrook and cousins Aaron and Parker and Shannon Shaw of Bangor. Helen Folsom of Hodgdon was one of the guests.
The sun is shining today and it is a beautiful day. Soon the band concerts will be starting and many will enjoy that. The blackflies are out in full force. What a damper those pesky flies can put on an outdoor sport. The swings are being enjoyed now that the weather is warmer. Even the outdoor table.
One of our tenants pointed out to the outdoor garden near the front entrance. It was planted by Sylvia Thompson and what a nice job she has done. It sure adds to the beauty of Ricker Plaza. Come by and see for yourself. Have a wonderful summer spent in good health, joy and peace. God bless.

Take Off Pounds Sensibly ME 0233, Houlton
by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, May 27. 2-11 meeting. Nineteen ladies including three KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly were in attendance and weighed.
Denise Clark opened the meeting with “What’s the Attendance.” Joanne Scott was loser of the week with Brenda Lacostic as runner-up. The skinny dish was held over. The contest, “Catch a Falling Star,” will begin June 1 and end August 31. All are asked to participate.
Again, the Chapter 0233 met for its June 3 meeting with 19 ladies, four being KOPS. The TOPS and KOPS pledges were recited along with a new inspiration saying. Melva Folsom was loser of the week with Diane Folsom as runner-up. The skinny dish was won by Janice Shaw.
Janette Nelson gave a financial report. Denise Clark, leader, remarked that the start of the contest was a great beginning. All the ladies left after the meeting to go to the First Baptist Church on Court Street to help decorate for the workshop to be held Saturday, June 4. The workshop is hosted by Chapter 0233. The next meeting is June 10. The meeting will start at 9 o’clock after the weigh-in at 8-8:45 a.m.
If you want questions answered on the chapter, you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483. See you next week.