1911 — Motorists reminded to heed 8 mph speed limit within the village

14 years ago

100 Years Ago: July 6, 1911

• Actual operations were begun Friday morning on the new Carnegie Library, a crew of men being busy excavating for the basement.

• All automobiles are cautioned not to exceed the speed limit (8 miles per hour) when driving through the streets of Caribou village.

• It is understood that surveyors are busy with the survey of the proposed electric road into Caribou. This is indeed good news.

• Solomon Belanger has moved from Stockholm to Caribou and has accepted a position in the hardware store of J.H. Glenn.

• Miss Lydia M. Finnegan, who has been teaching in the Kelley District, has returned to Houlton to spend the vacation with her parents.

75 Years Ago: July 2, 1926

• Few people have ever seen a woodcock in captivity, yet Caribou folks had that privilege last week when for two or three days, Churchill Greenlaw had one of the little birds at his restaurant on Vaughan Avenue.

• Quite a flurry of excitement was aroused in this section over the wedding early last Friday morning of Col. Clarence D. Chamberlin, famous trans-Atlantic flier to Louise A. Ashby at the bride’s home in Fort Fairfield.

• The Sons of Legion Bugle and Drum Corps made a most favorable impression in the parade at the State Legion Convention in Lewiston last Sunday afternoon, receiving vigorous applause from the spectators all along the line of march. The boys showed their excellent training, and in their snappy uniforms of French blue capes with scarlet lining and white trousers, they made one of the most colorful organizations there. It is also understood that they were the only strictly Sons of Legion organization in the parade.

• The Brown-Lynn Circus and the Yankee Exposition Shows, featuring Al Ventres, former middleweight champion of the world, will show at the Caribou Airport the week of July 6.

• John Farrell bought a car last week from the Caribou Motor Co.

50 Years Ago: July 6, 1961

• The Caribou Chapter, Future Farmers of America, placed second in total points in various judging contests at the two-day state convention of the Maine Association of FFA, held at the University of Maine. Twenty-four schools participated. Jerry White of Caribou was elected secretary of the Maine FFA and Gordon Thibodeau was chosen as one of the three who will take part in the poultry judging at Eastern States Exposition in Springfield, Mass. this fall.

• Leo Kieffer was installed as the new president of the Caribou Rotary Club Wednesday, succeeding Dr. C.L. Donahue.

• Maynard Lombard and his son, Douglas, and Freddie Fletcher have been at Portage Lake over the holiday weekend for some fishing.

• Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Pangburn motored to Winthrop last weekend to take their son, Paul, to attend the State YMCA camp for the summer months.

• Katie Raymond is attending summer school at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.