The Houlton Agricultural Fair has announced its contest winners for the 2011 Fair.
State of Maine Apple Pie Contest — 1, Rachel Donovan; 2, Leisa Devoe; and 3, Tracie Botting
State of Maine Blueberry Pie Contest — 1, Candance Donovan; 2, Belle Broder; and 3, Wanda Brewer.
Chocolate Raspberry Squares (13 – 17 years old) — 1, Patricia Donovan; 2, Brian Bragdon; and 3, Lexi Hernandez.
Baked Bean Contest — 1, Sheridan McCordic; 2, Jesse Sherwood; and 3, Amy Sherwood.
Biscuits Contest — 1, Tessa McCormick; 2, Tracie Botting; and 3, Mary Harbison.
Potato Salad Contest — 1, Candance Donovan; 2, Tracie Botting; and 3, Melody Goff.
Cinnamon Rolls Contest — 1, Tessa McCormick; and 2, Candance Donovan.
Chocolate Chip Cookies (12 and younger) contest — 1, Tessa McCormick; 2, Cole Winslow; and 3, Anessa Wilde.
Thimble Cookies — 1, Aidan Jackman; 2, Alex Wilde; 3, Sam Eckstein.
Chocolate Sheet Cake — 1, Tessa McCormick; 2, Mary Harbison; and 3, Julie Winslow.