What goes around…

13 years ago

What goes around…

To the editor:

I went to the Riverside Cemetery in Fort Fairfield to tend the flower box that I had put there and pay respect to my parents and grandparents. When I arrived, I was shocked to see that someone had stolen the end plants and left the middle ones.

I just want to say, how low can you go! Really, did you need them more that you needed to steal from the dead to have flowers! How very disrespectful, rude you were to do this.

This is also for those who think stealing from the cemeteries and defacing the stones is funny or cute or a cheap thrill of getting away with something. But you will have to answer to a Higher Being, one who sees all.

They say “what goes around comes around” so I hope that you will get yours in the end. You have taken away the pleasure of going to the cemetery and paying respect to our loved ones, and all because you just needed to steal the plants out of a flower box.

So in closing, I hope you enjoy the flowers and by chance if you can read and do read this, know that someday this will catch up with you.

M. Smith

Presque Isle