Prayer chain is Sunday

13 years ago

    In August of 2010 a human prayer chain comprised of 300 individuals, spanned from Patten Drug Company to the former Pa’s Pizza building on Main St. in Patten. Following the community services that morning, the Methodist and Pentecostal Congregations, along with several other participants, walked to meet each other, and united in prayer for addiction awareness. As the group remained in prayer, the church bell tolled for one half hour.
    This year the event will be held on Sunday, Aug. 14, immediately following the community church service that will be held in the Patten Academy Alumni Park at 9 a.m.
    Residents are asked to stand shoulder to shoulder with their neighbors to fight against the war on drug addiction by lining Main Street, and praying for the healing of the addicted and their loved ones.
    Music will be provided by John Birmingham. For more information contact Ellen Dickinson at 528-2684.