Stockholm Legion receives gift from senator

13 years ago

By Barbara Scott
Staff Writer

In the recent past the Stockholm Perkins/Plourde American Legion was violated when individuals broke into the Post Home, stealing a variety of items as well as doing extensive damage to the interior.

FS-StkHlmFlag-CLR-dc1-AR-36Aroostook Republican photo/Barb Scott
 The Perkins/Plourde American Legion Post 136, Stockholm, was recently presented with a flag which, at the request of Sen. Susan Collins, had flown over the U. S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. From left are World War II  Veteran Oreille Dufour, Rudy St. Peter, Post 136 commander and Phil Bosse, who presented the flag on behalf of Sen. Collins.

On Aug. 17, Post members were reminded that others within their community and state are aware of the irresponsibility of these actions and the insult to the American veterans who support this organization.

In recognition of the unfortunate events that the Stockholm American Legion had been dealing with, U.S. Sen. Susan Collins arranged to have a flag flown over the Capitol building in Washington, D.C.  On Aug. 17, the flag was presented to Rudy St. Peter, American Legion commander, and a number of Legion veterans, by Phil Bosse, representing Sen. Collins’ office in Caribou.

The flag was encased in a container on which was printed, “At the request of Sen. Susan M. Collins, this flag was flown over the United States Capitol in honor of the World War II veterans of the American Legion Post 136.”

During the presentation of the flag, Bosse stated, “Sen. Collins was not happy to read about the recent break-in and sends this gift in recognition.”

Commander St. Peter announced that the flag would be flown in front of the Post Home in Stockholm.