The impossible dream is possible in Aroostook

13 years ago

The impossible dream is possible in Aroostook

To the editor:

In this trying economy, especially here in northern Maine, it is imperative for innovative, energetic entrepreneurs to start up new businesses which fill needed niches. Jobs, of course, are key, but so is providing needed goods and services at reasonable costs.

I offer as an example the fairly recent opening of Theresa’s Corner Café and Bakery. Seeing the need for a quality diner here locally, she brought her considerable knowledge and experience to this endeavor and poured not only her energy, but obvious love for her “baby,” into it. The result? An establishment that offers quality, delicious food at comparatively low cost, and a cooking and service staff that is friendly, fast and second-to-none.

In these times we need more people, especially Aroostookans, who have not only the energy, but the real-life experience to take the initiative to fill niches in the local business market. Believe me, they are there for those with true vision. I encourage people who have such imagination and drive to go for their dreams and to expand Aroostook’s economy and horizon.

Clare Kierstead

Presque Isle