City’s employees are its greatest asset
To the editor:
As the Union Representative for six units of city of Presque Isle employees, I am without question biased, and will stand up with and for them.
Having stated that, I will now tell you that I do not feel it is in the city’s best interest to cut either a sergeant position or the staffing levels at the fire department. Cuts in either the fire or police departments will have adverse effects on the safety of the residents of Presque Isle, the many people who work here, shop here, attend school and vacation here.
The recent outpouring of support for these two departments should stand as an indication that this is not the direction the residents wish the city to go in. No one disagrees that the City Council has a difficult task ahead of them with the budget. There are no easy answers. However, to take from the most valuable asset the city has, the employees, is not the answer.
The fire department has already experienced a reduction in crew size and has taken on the code enforcement duties. Further, concerns as to whether the full-time firefighters are able to respond to calls when they are off duty are unfounded. Research and history shows these firefighters are there when the community needs them most.
The police department has undergone a number of changes to their structure in an effort to better utilize staff and save money. The types of crimes, level of violence, and drug use the department encounters continues to intensify. To make a change in staffing that would jeopardize a sergeant position seems counterproductive in keeping the community safe. Sergeant Seeley is a committed, highly trained, veteran officer who is devoted to this community. It would be a disservice to him and the city of Presque Isle to lose him.
I encourage the residents of Presque Isle to contact the City Councilors and express support for these employees who are your friends and neighbors. These men and women who work for the city are a dedicated and talented group of people. They devote their lives to giving back to their community and I am proud to represent each of them.
Traci N. Place
Business Agent
Teamsters Union Local 340