To the Editor:
In this modern era it is an exception rather than a rule that a Christmas commercial actually mentions Jesus. Commercials have reduced this Christian holiday to little more than a means to feed insatiable consumerism. Holiday commercials must be so “politically correct” that they can’t mention the true origin of the holiday for fear of offending those who would rather leave Christmas as just a time for the arbitrary distribution of materialistic possessions. The true meaning of Christmas ultimately is being lost to the world.
Why bother celebrating a holiday if we don’t want to think about how the holiday originated? Christmas is so much more than Rudolph, Santa Claus and a talking snowman. If you only want to think of toys, trees and movies when you hear the word “Christmas” the true meaning of Christmas is lost. Christmas is the celebration and remembrance of Christ the savior being born to the world of man. The part about presents was not just intended to spread materialistic things, but to imitate how we have been given a gift. No matter how hard you try you can’t find an atheistic origin for Christmas or many other holidays. Christmas is a holiday based on Christ. Just look at the name.
I challenge the people of The County to remember while Christmas shopping that the gifts represent the gift given to mankind on that day 2,000 years ago. Remember that generosity can be extended any month of the year. This month isn’t any better than all the rest. The holidays aren’t the only time to extend faith, love, and kindness if you are of the group that holds Christmas as more than a tree and decorations. Remember the meaning, even in how you write. Don’t use the worn out abbreviation for Christmas that crosses out the first half of the word. If you do, you’re taking Christ out of Christmas.
We shouldn’t isolate the meaning of Christmas to only one day a year. There is no excuse for not having a generous attitude throughout the entire year. If we should honor Christmas we should honor the ideas of the person the holiday is about. Without this the true meaning of Christmas is lost.
Daniel A. Roy