Truth about unemployment
To the editor:
This letter is in response to the person who wrote a despicable letter to your paper titled ‘There are vampires among us!’, which spoke about unemployment, calling the unemployed lazy and suggesting the best way to get people back to work is to simply “quit extending unemployment benefits and paying people to stay home.”
It’s obvious this “person” has never been laid off from his job through no fault of his own, like millions of hard-working Americans have been, in a country that has lost millions of manufacturing jobs over the past decade due to outsourcing, and on top of that, Wall Street took down the rest of the economy in 2008! To be kind I’ll just say he is seriously misinformed, since what I would like to say about him wouldn’t be printable in a family newspaper!
Most of the long-term unemployed are the core of this country, having worked for 30 or 40 years in a manufacturing environment, and then suddenly had their jobs outsourced, leaving them on the unemployment lines! So where are these so-called “lazy” people supposed to find work – in China? The Republican answer is to cut them off so their children starve, right? How dare you!
It’s shameful that anyone who call themselves American would turn on their fellow Americans like this during hard times instead of trying to help. But that’s typical of the Republican mindset. This “kick ‘em when they’re down” mentality of the GOP is destroying America! It’s because of the Republican obstructionism in Congress since President Obama took office that our country hasn’t come out of this financial mess that Republican policies of deregulation caused in 2008 before Obama even won the election!
What we need to do is to fire all the Republicans and blue dog Dems in Congress next year who have voted against ending tax breaks for corporations that outsource our jobs, and who voted against jobs bills that would have only given tax breaks to companies that produce their products here in America using American workers!
And as for the writer of that piece of garbage printed on Dec. 7th, I suggest he try watching something other than the GOP-owned faux news network, and start treating his fellow man the way he would want to be treated. What goes around comes around.
Joanne Young