A return to grassroots self-government

13 years ago

A return to grassroots self-government

By Hon. Hayes Gahagan

    These may be harsh words, but under the U.S Constitutional form of participatory self-government, we the people get the government we deserve.

    In the last election cycle, our federal government, by popular vote, was effectively taken over by left-wing radicals who are attempting to transform the U.S. Constitution from a limited government, individual liberty, free-enterprise model into a European socialist welfare model that if unchecked will inevitably lead to bankruptcy, chaos, tyranny and the collapse of law and order.

    There are those, I believe the majority, who are waking up to the need to restore individual freedom and representative form of self-government based on the Rule of Law under our U.S. Constitution.

    The majority must act before it’s too late. We have an opportunity here and now to do something about the loss of individual rights, accountability, and the value of the U.S. dollar.

    This is not a partisan matter; this is an American matter. There are Republicans, Democrats and Independents who believe that individual rights, including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are endowed by our Creator, not by the government.

    Many believe that the party of Jefferson, Lincoln and Reagan — the traditional conservative Republican Party — offers the best vehicle to restore individual rights and liberty. For those who do, there is an opportunity for you to do something about it here in Aroostook County at three Republican regional caucus events on Feb. 3 in Fort Kent and Feb. 4 in Presque Isle and Houlton.

    Please go to www.aroostookgop.us for details of the three Aroostook County Republican regional caucus events. If you have not registered to vote and enrolled in the Republican Party, please do so at your local Town Office on or before Feb. 3 and participate in your town caucus event.

    This is your opportunity to help restore grassroots self-government by which we the people can begin to get our government back on the right track.

    Hayes Gahagan is a former state senator from Aroostook County and serves as chairman of the Aroostook County Republican Committee.