Knitted fingerless mittens are all the rage

12 years ago

Knitted fingerless mittens are all the rage

Fiber Arts

by  Michele Goldman

    I just finished an easy and thoroughly satisfying project that I would like to share with you. Fingerless mitts! I’ve gotten stares from people — mainly older ones — who question the sanity of a pair of mittens that end halfway up the fingers and allow the thumb to poke out, unprotected from the elements.

I do want a full mitten when the weather is cold, but there are many days when I need warmth plus manual dexterity and fingerless mitts, unencumbered by extra fabric, do the trick. If you knit them for younger people you’ll find yourself very popular. They are all the rage. They also knit up very fast in worsted weight yarn. A 4-ounce skein will easily make two pairs.

    Using worsted weight yarn and a size 5 needle cast on 36 stitches.

    Row 1 – Knit 2, Purl 2, repeat from * to the end.

    Repeat this round until the cuff measures 3 inches.

    Next round: We will begin to form the thumb gusset. Knit into the front and back of next stitch, knit 1. Continue to the end of the round, maintaining the Knit 2, Purl 2 pattern.

    Work two more rounds in Knit 2, Purl 2 pattern, EXCEPT you will knit the first 3 stitches.

Next round – Knit into the front and back of the next 2 stitches, Knit 1, continue to the end of the round in Knit 2, Purl 2 pattern. Work 2 more rounds in pattern, knitting all thumb gusset stitches. The thumb gusset will not be ribbed.

    Next round: Knit into the front and back of the first stitch, knit across the gusset to the last two knit stitches, knit into the front and back of the next stitch, knit 1. Continue in ribbed pattern to the end. Complete 2 rounds in pattern, keeping gusset stitches as knit stitches.

    Continue in this manner by performing the increases for the gusset in the first and second to last knit stitches every third round until you have 9 knit stitches in the gusset.

    Next round: Take a bit of scrap yarn and a tapestry needle and thread it through the nine gusset stitches. Now, using the backward thumb method cast on two stitches.

    Continue working in pattern (the cast on stitches will be knit stitches), until the mitt reaches just above your knuckles. Bind off.

    Thumb: Place thumb stitches on two double pointed needles and using a third needle pick up enough stitches along the mitt edge to make 16 stitches total. Knit the thumb until it just covers your knuckle. Bind off.

    Make another one and enjoy!

    Michele Goldman owns Fiberphilia yarn shop in Presque Isle.