Thank you, TAMC friends!

12 years ago

Thank you, TAMC friends!

To the editor:

    On behalf of the board and staff of Homeless Services of Aroostook, I would like to thank and express my gratitude to the staff of the Aroostook Medical Center for the collection of non-perishable food items for the Sister Mary O’Donnell Shelter, Catholic Charities, and Martha & Mary’s.

I know my eyes nearly flew out of their sockets at the wrap-up celebration when I saw what had been collected.

    This project started as an idea with two wonderful people at TAMC who wanted to celebrate 100 years of hospital service in the community by making even more of an impact locally. Over 1,300 food items were collected to be distributed over these three agencies. The generous and giving nature of the people of this community is most humbling and encouraging.

    There are only two letters in the alphabet that keep “homeless” from being “hopeless,” and they spell “no.” Homeless is not hopeless, and Presque Isle cares very deeply about the welfare of their friends and neighbors who have hit a bump in the road of life.

Lisa Neal Shaw
