100 Years Ago: May 30, 1912
• Fifty more elm shade trees have been set out in Teague Park recently by S. Taylor. Mr. Taylor estimates that there are now between 400 and 500 hundred trees in the park.
• H.B. Beal, agent for the Paige Detroit Automobile, sold four touring cars on Monday of this week.
• At this time, the season is shaping favorably for the river drivers. On the Presque Isle Stream, where the Aroostook Lumber Company has about 6,000,000 feet to come out, the logs are now running quite freely and it understood that the rear was started the first part of the week. Woodsmen report that in some places along the streams there is as much as two feet of snow in the woods.
• James H. Glenn and Benjamin Michaud are planning on moving their store buildings back a couple of feet even with the rest of the stores. Mr. Glenn will also put a basement under his store.
75 Years Ago: June 3, 1937
• Miss Mildred A. Barnes has been appointed to the position of supervisor at the local office of the New England Tel and Tel Co. to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of Miss Claudine H. Ricker to chief operator. Miss Clarice J. Armstrong has been promoted to junior supervisor at the exchange. The Misses Barnes and Armstrong have been employed by the telephone company since their graduation from Caribou High School.
• John A. Partridge, Frank E. Pendleton and William A. Small left Caribou Wednesday noon, last and sailed on the S.S. Rex from New York City Saturday to attend the Rotary International Convention at Nice, France. The three delegates are accompanied by their wives.
• Elizabeth Ashby of this town, a senior in home economics at the University of Maine, was presented with a University Seal, highest award of the Women’s Athletic Association, at the annual play day banquet. This is Miss Ashby’s second seal, having earned her first during her sophomore year.
• When one hears “Aroostook Gold” spoken of it is generally understood to mean her potatoes, but several real gold nuggets have been found in the county, generally via hen’s crops. A short time ago William Staples of Woodland brought to the Republican office a fair-sized bit of the precious metal taken from the crop of a recently executed rooster.
• The State Police will be on duty in Caribou the first week in June making a checkup on the spring inspection of motor vehicles. Conditions of headlights and brakes of many automobiles in this vicinity are reported as needing inspection.