Houlton Fire Department aids in Woodstock blaze

13 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — A Woodstock saw mill burned to the ground June 29 after reportedly being struck by lightning.
About 12 firefighters and two vehicles from the Houlton Fire Department responded to a call for mutual aid from the Woodstock Fire Department around 11:30 p.m. Friday, according to Houlton Fire Chief Milton Cone.
    The W.K. Lumber Mill on Route I-95, which is owned by Jamie Kitchen and supplies wood for furniture companies and railroads, was fully ablaze by the time Houlton firefighters responded. The mill is located just a short distance from the U.S. Customs Port of Entry. The town’s hydrant system at the airport provided water to help with suppression of the blaze.
Assisting with fires across the border is not uncommon, Cone said.
“We used to do it (mutual aid to Woodstock) more in year’s past,” Cone said.
Firefighters are not required to carry passports or Nexxus cards with them to re-enter the U.S., Cone added. Firefighters spent roughly four hours trying to contain the blaze. The mill was destroyed.