Houlton Higher Education Center offers GED class

13 years ago

It is time to get my GED or Adult Ed High School Diploma, so where do I begin?
Anyone who is asking that question can begin by talking with Otis Smith, Bernadette Farrar, or Mary Murray in Room 133 at the Houlton Higher Education Center located at 18 Military St. or by calling 521-3100, ext. 5. This visit or phone call gives the staff a chance to learn a little about you and what your goals are.
    “You may also be asked to come in and sign a transcript release form so that we may request your transcript and/or test scores from your previous school,” Smith said. “We know that getting your high school credential is a big step for you and something that you need to get done and out of the way so that you can get a job and/or go on to college (we can help with college preparation too while you are preparing for your high school diploma).”
Participants will take CASAS (Competency Assessment System for Adult Students) tests to help the staff determine if they are ready to test for the GED or if extra work is needed to boost skills.
“We also use these results to determine classes needed for people completing their adult ed. high school diploma along with a transcript analysis of previous credits earned,” Smith said.
High School diploma students need to have 18 credits to graduate (16 if your class graduated in 1985 or earlier). Nine are required credits: four English, two math, one biology, one U.S. history, and one American government or economics, while the rest are electives. Physical education credits are not counted toward this required 18, but are still included on the graduate’s transcript.
After the CASAS tests, students have an intake appointment where they complete the enrollment paperwork, find out their CASAS results, and discuss personal goals more in depth with a staff member.  This is also when they get their personalized schedule.
“We also have a series of Career Pathways workshops that you will need to attend in order complete your enrollment in our adult ed. program,” Smith said.
Pre-registration sessions (about three hours long) for GED, college, and other courses are scheduled for Aug. 14, 15 and 16 in the mornings, along with an evening session on Aug. 15. There is no charge for GED/High School completion services, and all other classes are supported by a combination of student fees, local, state, federal, and agency funding.
For more information and to make an appointment, call 521-3100 ext. 5, go to www.sad29.maineadulted.org, email befarrar@msln.net or otsmith@msln.net , or search Houlton Hodgdon Adult and Community Education Program on Facebook.