What is WorkReady and is it for you?

13 years ago

    Editor’s Note: This is the 5th in a series of summer articles designed to introduce the local Adult Education menu of services to area residents.  Future articles will focus on the following categories: Personal Enrichment and ed2go.
    Local employers often bring attention to the need for workers who are skilled, can read and express themselves clearly, use a computer and solve problems. They are also looking for employees who come to work on time, come to work on a regular basis, work as part of a team, and manage conflict. The WorkReady Credential, a 60-hour curriculum addressing many of the “soft skills” needed to be successful in the workplace, is designed to help individuals who are having trouble getting or keeping a job.  It is designed to help potential employees understand the impact that their personal behavior has on the workplace and their “employability”. 
    The curriculum of the WorkReady program focuses on seven standards to include: identifying personal motivations and challenges to employment, developing a personal employment plan, appropriate workplace behavior, effective workplace communication, teamwork and problem-solving, conflict resolution, basic principles of getting and keeping a job, understanding wages, benefits, taxes and employee organizations, job searching, effective résumé and cover letter writing, and interviewing skills.
    Upon successful completion of the WorkReady program, participants will not only have a clear understanding of the standards, they will have made important community contacts, practiced interviewing skills, and created a professional portfolio to include a cover letter, resume, reference list and a WorkReady credential recognized by many local employers.  For more information on the WorkReady program, contact Tracy Rockwell at 521-3100 x5.
    Next week, read about the Personal Enrichment courses offered by the Adult Education program, including those for the Health Science career pathway. Please contact the Adult Education center for dates on the next pre-registration sessions (approx. 3 hours long) for GED, college, and other courses.  There is no charge for GED/High School completion services, and all other classes are supported by a combination of student fees, local, state, federal, and agencyfunding. For more information and to make an appointment, call 521-3100 x5, go to www.sad29 .maineadulted.org, email befarrar@msln.net, or otsmith@ msln.net, or search Houlton Hodgdon Adult and Community Education Program on Facebook.
    A resume writing workshop will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 22. Pre-registration is required. Please call 521-3100 x5, to register.