Road to nowhere

12 years ago

To the editor:

Although I no longer live in Presque Isle, it still is home in my heart. I recently visited the “County” hoping to get some time on my favorite stream, the Prestile.

While I was visiting, a friend of mine and I went to Caribou. I was quite amazed to see what was going on in that town. Many years ago, a bypass was built for the purpose of avoiding downtown traffic in Caribou. Imagine my surprise when my friend showed me a bypass being built to bypass the bypass. I was told that this was the brainchild of our two senators.

Is this really a necessary project? The general feeling I encountered was that this was a “road to nowhere.” As this is paid for out of everyone in the state of Maine through taxes, it seems to be a tremendous waste of time, materials and money.

I find it hard to believe that a major complaint wasn’t lodged over this folly. Could this have been a “Sweetheart Deal” for someone’s relatives? It seems to serve no purpose. I can’t believe the folks I know in Aroostook haven’t had this stopped.

I am quite set in my mind that our politicians should ask the permission of the taxpayers of the state of Maine before embarking on such a useless undertaking.

Dana Hagerman