Ridge Runners prepare for fundraiser

12 years ago

Ridge Runners prepare for fundraiser


by Jennifer Buzza

    Organizers of the Chapman Ridge Runners’ fall yard sale would like the public to know that they have been gathering items to sell and would welcome any additions that anyone might want to donate.

Donations can be picked up by making arrangements with Linda Pelletier at 762-3741.
Arrangements can also be made to drop items off at the clubhouse. The sale is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 7, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Saturday, Sept. 8, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please call Linda Pelletier with any questions.



    Birthday wishes this week go out to: Gary Pendexter, Mark Ireland, Betty Ireland, Harvey Brown V, Mandy Graham, Cole Farley, Ann Stephenson, Henry Ritchie, Dana Dean, Tim Bard, Debbie Martin, Joyce Pendexter, Pauline Willette, Jessie Brown, Bailey Hewitt, Dakota Lafland, Karson Eaton, Jessica Putnam, Lynn Boucher, Molly Kinney, Christa Galipeau, Bertha Skidgel, and Mike Chasse.

    Happy anniversary this week to: Dan and Sylvia Bridgham on the 31st; Joan and Owen Estey on September 1st and Tony and Lynn Boucher on the 3rd.


Church picnic celebrates baptism

Photos courtesy of Jennifer Buzza

    Joshua Baldwin, 12, of Presque Isle, left, along with Rev. Dr. Kenneth Phelps, right, stand in the pool at Baptist Park as they prepare for Josh’s traditional immersion baptism ceremony. The baptism service followed the Mapleton United Baptist Church’s annual picnic which was held Sunday, Aug. 26.


    Following the Mapleton United Baptist Church’s annual picnic at Baptist Park in Mapleton, 12-year-old Joshua Baldwin was baptized by his pastor, Rev. Dr. Ken Phelps.Posing for a photo at the conclusion of the service are, in front from left: Joshua Baldwin; Vince Baldwin, Josh’s father; and Jessica Baldwin, his sister. In back: Rev. Dr. Ken Phelps of the Mapleton United Baptist Church, and Tania Baldwin, Josh’s mother.

    The Mapleton United Baptist Church held its annual picnic on Sunday, Aug. 26, at Baptist Park in Mapleton. 

    Nearly 40 church members as well as others from the community attended. The afternoon event included outdoor games, swimming and a potluck supper in the dining hall. 

    Following the meal, a baptism service was held poolside as church member, 12-year-old Joshua Baldwin of Presque Isle, was baptized.  Parishioner Jack Stewart played his guitar and led the group in several choruses and hymns. 

    Rev. Dr. Ken Phelps conducted the baptism service, reading passages of scripture from the books of John and Romans. Rev. Phelps and Baldwin entered the pool and after giving Josh his “life verse” from Isaiah 40, they prepared for the traditional immersion baptism. Josh had asked to use a special handkerchief during the ceremony that belonged to his paternal grandfather, James Baldwin, who passed away in 2010. 

    At the conclusion of the ceremony, Josh received congratulatory hugs from his family as well as members of his church family. Josh Baldwin is the son of Vince and Tania Baldwin of Presque Isle and will be in the 7th grade at Presque Isle Middle School in the fall.

    (Jennifer Buzza is the correspondent for Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman. She can be reached at 760-9115, or by e-mail at jbuzza@ainop.com)