Members of the Houlton Star Bright Theatre’s Star Bright Drama Club will be taking part in a special all-day theatrical workshop, “Shake it Up with Shakespeare”, presented by the Bangor-based Penobscot Theatre. Instructors from the Penobscot Theatre will lead students in theater exercises, discuss the historical
background of theater in Shakespeare’s time, and work with them to create several scenes from “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” which will be presented to the public at the end of the workshop. Teaching artists from the Penobscot Theatre will instruct the children in the use of voice, movement, props and costumes to bring Shakespeare’s works to life.
The workshop will take place Saturday, Jan. 26, at the Court Street Baptist Church in Houlton. The public is invited to attend the post-workshop performance at 5 p.m. Admission is free, but donations will be accepted. The workshop is being made possible through the Houlton Star Bright Theatre and a generous, private donation.