The Public Works Department in the city of Caribou is, frankly, amazing. This week ended with an overnight snowfall of around 16 inches. It was the wet, heavy stuff too. This rivals the snow seen downstate and in Massachusetts earlier in the winter. They were shut down for days digging out. Here? Schools weren’t cancelled and we were able to get to work and do our thing. The same holds true for our neighboring cities and towns and highways. Our snow removal crews are the best there is. Amazing.
I really feel the momentum of the Caribou Area Chamber of Commerce gaining steam. People are seeing that we are on the right track and we are building our value proposition in the community. This week alone, four new members joined our ranks: Echoes Press, the publisher of the wonderful Echoes Magazine; The Caribou Public Library; Kiwanis Club of Caribou and River’s Bend Mobile Home Park which is just about the prettiest, best maintained such park I’ve ever seen. All have been added to the Members Directory on our website.
A couple of other businesses have spoken to me this week about joining as well and have taken home registration forms.
Lots of things are in the works. Behind-the-scenes preparations are taking place for the Maine State HOG Rally that will bring 700 motorcycle enthusiasts to our area in July. This is a great opportunity to show off what we have and if 10 percent of those visitors are impressed with our roadways and scenic beauty (which they will be), then they will return to visit us again and again.
As part of our arrangements with the HOG organization, the Chamber is producing a welcome booklet that will be passed out to each visitor. If you would like to advertise in that booklet, please give me a call or send me an e-mail. We have business card size and full page ad slots available.
Planning is also taking place for the Annual Recognition Dinner that will take place on Thursday, May 9 at the Caribou Inn & Convention Center. This date was a major oops on my part. The event has always taken place in March and I got my “M’s” mixed up and set it up for May. I hope my mistake does not detract from what should be a terrific event for the Chamber.
Member visits this week included Clukey’s Auto Supply and Griffeth Ford Lincoln Mercury. Clukey’s is remarkably successful considering they are independent in a field full of chain stores. And one thing Neal Griffeth mentioned to me during my visit has stuck with me ever since. He said, “We have held our own in the worst economic times in 80 years and the recession has made us a better car dealer.” What a great attitude! Both stories are on the Facebook page.
The Caribou Public Library has done an outstanding job of adapting to our ever-changing world. Yes, you can still get books there. But you can also get e-books of all the latest titles, borrow movies and even use their WiFi while you are there. Mucho props to Director Diane DuBois on meeting the challenge of changing as the world changes. The library also has a new website! Check it out at
Speaking of websites, the city of Caribou itself put up a brand new version of its website on Friday, March 1. Talk about starting the March like a lion! I found it very attractive and easy to move around. Check it out at:
Of course, I can still brag that I got mine done first. Heh. Seriously though, great people are doing great work to keep Caribou moving forward.
There are photos on our Facebook page linked from the Kiwanis Club of Caribou’s Facebook page that are simply hilarious. Those Kiwanis Keystone Kops rounded up a bunch of ruffians and put them in jail where they belonged. The pictures are very amusing and the fact it was for a good cause is the icing.
Ted Shapiro, chief meteorologist at WAGM-TV, spoke at the weekly Caribou Rotary meeting this week. He was fascinating as always. I now know the difference between climate and weather.
And finally, happy anniversary to Tri-Community Recycling & Sanitation Landfill, which joined the Chamber back in 1992. Thank you for your faithful and long-term membership!
William Tasker may be reached in the CACC office at 498-6156 or e-mail him at