Houlton Jr/Sr. High School third quarter honor roll for 2012-13.
GRADE 7 — Highest Honors Principal’s award: Kolleen Bouchard, Dylan Crockett, Nicholas DeLucca, Zachary Fitzpatrick, Aspen Elijah Flewelling, Tyra Gentle, Kristen Graham, Amelia Hanning, Justin Hogan, Seth Holston, Mikayla Jacobs, Abraham Lorom, Alexandria Maker, Tyler McAfee, Dawson McLaughlin, Addison Michaud, Dominic Miller, Emily Miller, Carolyn Mooers, Rebecca Mooers, Nicholas Perfitt, Garrett Perkins,
Trynity Plummer, Sierra Rhoda, Alannah Violette, Kyle White, Anessa Wilde and Parker Willard. Honors: Kennedy Albright, Bernadette Anderson, Isia Bouchard, Bryson Bulley, Colby Callnan, Danah-Rae Carmichael, Cameron Cleary, Caleb Connors, Melindsey Connors, Jeremy Cook, Alex Croxen, David Dunn, Reinah Esposito, Jacob Forest, Madison Grant, Jacquelyn Green, Zachary Hagan, Desirae Haney, Carolyn Hannigan, Anthony Henderson, Patrick Howe, Devin Ivey, Kiersten Langley, Sakima Lee, Andrew Marino, Daniel McNally, Nathaniel Miles, Alexis Miller, Randall Pryor, Brea Sabatis, Isaac Schools, Cameron Shaw, Kayla Shrout, Harmony Tompkins and Lucas Winslow.
GRADE 8 – Highest Honors Principal’s award: Madeleine Blanchette, Nathan Chambers, Chloe Davis, Hannah Foley, David Gogan, Cameron Graham, Morgan Grant, Josie Hare, Victoria Holmes, Jordan Hostetler, Brooke Howland, Alexis Ireland, Hannah Jacobs, Dylan Johnston, Hunter Keehn, Joshua Lezotte, Austin McAfee, Tessa McCormick, Kate Newman, Emma Peterson, Tessa Roshto, John Thatcher and Elizabeth Ward. Honors: Drenn Belmain, Jennah Blake, Sage Blake, Seth Brown, Sarah Delano, Mikayla Fitzpatrick, Tyler Fitzpatrick, Alexandria Fore, Jacob Fox, Owen Gallop, Hunter Graham, Noah Grant, Alexis Hernandez, MacKenzie Hunt, Keven Jacobs, Julia Langley, Andrew McEwen, Sarah McGillicuddy, McKenley Pierce, Cody Queen, Zachary Quint, Nicolas Raymond, Zachary Reece, Taylor Reed, Ethan Sawyer, Abigail Schools, Stephanie Scott, Renee Sirois, Joshua Sutton, Rachel Toupin, Brittany Vargas, Cassidy Wakley, Olivia White, Jonathan Williams, Jacob Worthley, Rikkilyn Wortman, Luke Young and Nathan Young.
GRADE 9 – Highest Honors Principal’s award: Amira Abouleish, Samuel Astle, June Choi, Megan Collett, Piper Flewelling, Chelsea Gentle, Natalie Hill, Christopher Kenney, Hunter McLaughlin, Morgan Nelson, Evelyn Pratt, Rachelle Provost, Justin Queen and Aaron Sewell. Honors: Lexi Bartlett, Dante Bernabo, Benjamin Boutilier, Jacob Brown, Addam Casillas, Cameron Clark, Victoria Codrey, Kaitlyn Condon, Ryan Dee, Allix Hanson, Jessica Hemingway, Lauren Hogan, Amber Ivey, Isaiah Littleton, Laura McEwen, Kelly McLaughlin, Angel Melvin, Mariah O’Neal and William Phillips.
GRADE 10 – Highest Honors Principal’s award: Keegan Fitzpatrick, Emma Gallop, Hannah Gervais, Dakota Gramour, Noah Holmes, Jill Howland, Janelle Levesque, Emily Mooers, Haven Rhoda and Natalie Rush. Honors: Madelene Anderson, Cody Bagwell, Laura Beals, Kyle Bouchard, Emily Brown, Connor Bulley, Cameron Clark, Jacob Condon, Delaney Corthell, Christian Crane, Jacob Donovan, Jacob Drew, Samantha Farrar, Hayley Flewelling, Nia Hamilton, Seth Hannigan, Daniel Hermann, Devin McLaughlin, Payton Porter, Danielle Provost, Caleigh Sullivan, Rebecca Tanner, Haley Tompkins, Tessa Winship and Morgan Wotton.
GRADE 11 – Highest Honors Principal’s award: Caeley Brown, Kole Buzzeo, Elyjah Crockett, Phoenix Crockett, Emily Dee, John Dunn, Erin Keehn, Breanna Longstaff, Kaycee McClure, Lucas Sewell, Caleb Smarr, Joshua Sullivan, James Trecartin, Robert Woods and Alex York. Honors: Sarah Abbotoni, Elizabeth Barry, Kierra Carmichael, Alejandro Casillas, Isaac Cone, Abigail Deveau, Cecil Gogan, Nichole Goguen, Lucas Grant, Samantah Keegan, Emily McAfee, Katelynn McClure, Isaac Morse, Amelia St. John and Violet Wright.
GRADE 12 – Highest Honors Principal’s award: Cordell Beaton, Lindsay Blaisdell-Kenney, Breanne Briggs, Marina Cameron, Allyson Carmichael, Mallory Clayton, Madeline Good, Emily Hanson, Rebekah Holmes, Dylan Howland, Brittany Jewell, Emilie Newman, Melissa Peabody, Felicia Prosser, April Smith, Mikaela Tuttle and Franki White. Honors: Megan Anderson, Sarah Bouchard, Logan Boyd, Lauren Bragan, Cyruss Brooker, Dalton Cloney, Marissa Drake, Brennan Duy, Emily Fitzpatrick, James Fitzpatrick, Lucas Flewelling, Victoria Hanson, Eugene Ivey, Lainey Jameson, Ethan Jewell, Britney Keber, Benjamin Lynds, Hayley Mason, Caitlyn McAfee, Micah McCarthy, Caleb McGary, Cole McLaughlin, Hannah Mooers, Whitney Moran, April Morgan, Ethan Morse, Cassidy Nason, Crystal Nason, Gannon Pratt, Robert Remington, Emily Simas, Alaina Stewart, Isaiah Straubel, Daniel Swallow, Wen Yang Tan, Miranda Tidd, Jade Tingley, Joshua Vieira, Brandon Ward, Ashley Wilkins and Jeffery Wotton.