1913: Lightning leads to dynamite explosion

12 years ago

115 Years Ago-June 23, 1897
• Dr. Byron Porter of Newport of Newport, one of the oldest and best known physicians and surgeons in his section of Maine, arrived

in town Friday to visit his son, Dr. W. A. Porter.
• Mesdames W. C. Spaulding, G. F. French, George H. Howe and Louise Spaulding made a trip to Fort Fairfield and return by team Monday.
100 Years Ago-June 19, 1913
Explosive lightning strike — One of the most decidedly dangerous thunderstorms in years passed over this vicinity Monday night. The nice barn of Benj. F. Parker, just over the line in Presque Isle was struck about 7 o’clock and it was only a few minutes until it was a seething furnace. Stephen Bryson succeeded in getting the horses out. George Martell was rendered unconscious for some time by the explosion of a box of dynamite caps in one of the burning outbuildings near the barn.
New management — The great celebration at Fort Fairfield’s July 4 will be under new management, the Fort Fairfield Trotting Park Association, the membership consists of 50 of the leading citizens of town. When darkness descends upon the festivities, the torchlight parade, consisting of mounted bearers of torches of all colors, followed by foot bearers of torches, will begin.
75 Years Ago-June 23, 1938
Reefer madness — The advertisement sponsored by the Caribou Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) reads: “Marihuana or Indian Hemp is a peculiarly vicious narcotic which is rapidly invading our country, even Maine… used as cigarettes which have many names such as muggles, reefers, mooties, berrys, Mary Janes and Merry Wonders… users are often stimulated and commit ghastly crimes while under its influence.”
Added to Caribou fleet — A huge new oil truck recently put into operation by the L.D. Bearce Co. has attracted considerable attention about town. The truck, designed by Gar Wood Industries of Boston, has a capacity of 35, 010 gallons of oil with a tonnage close to the maximum allowed by the state. It features Westinghouse air brakes, ten wheels each using 20 x 9.75 tires and ten speeds forward and two reverse.
50 Years Ago-June 20, 1963
Jaycee husband/wife team — Junior Chamber of Commerce members and their Jaycee Jaynes installed a husband and wife team as their respective presidents at their annual meeting at Hotel Caribou. Boyd Tankersley was installed as Jaycee president and his wife Shirley was installed as head of the Jaycee Jaynes. They succeed Don Susee and Sylvia Akeley.
Allagash advice — In his column, “On the Trail,” Bill Geagon offers the following advice for those planning an Allagash canoe trip this summer. “My reply to all regarding major gear is an 18- or 20-foot cedar and canvas canoe, a 10- or 11-foot spruce or ash pole shod with iron pic, and springy ash or maple paddles with blades not too wide. And about the keel of a canoe — steer clear of it.”
25 Years Ago-June 22, 1988
New DHS site revealed — The new Caribou office of the Maine Department of Human Services will be located at the corner of U. S. Route 1 and Route 89, as proposed by developers Emile J. Huck III and Harlow G. Sternberg Jr., state officials said Monday. DHS’ current Caribou office is located on the corner of Hatch Drive and Washburn Avenue.
Limestone/Caswell Historical Society news — The Limestone/Caswell Historical Society held its May meeting at the Robert Frost Memorial Library, called to order by President Royce Ballard. The group will have a float for the Aroostook County 150th Celebration parade. Contact Phil Howard about helping with oral histories. Oscar Poitras and Richard P. Edgecomb were appointed to the permanent building committee for the museum.