What a beautiful Sunday this is! No rain and none in sight. We are blessed. Can you imagine what 100 degrees or higher must feel like? Some states are suffering these temperatures.
Shirley Nason had a birthday recently and a party given by her family honored her. The party was in her sister’s apartment; Ruthie and they all had a great time. We are so glad you had a party, Shirley.
Kathryn Hall is visiting her mother, Lois Downing, while in town to attend her 40th class reunion from Houlton High School.
Hello to all our friends in the nursing home—Norma Bates for one. Norma, you will be home at Ricker Plaza soon. George Garnett suffered pains recently and after being at Houlton Regional Hospital, he is now at a hospital in Bangor. Get well, Joe, as he is called.
The Fourth of July. We looked forward to it when we were kids. Lots to see and do, fireworks and all. Expect to see a lot of out-of-towners in the city during the Fourth. Have a good holiday.
My Bible quote: ‘”And another said ‘’I will follow you, Lord, but first let me say farewell to my family at home.’” To him Jesus said, “No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God.’”
Have a wonderful holiday.