Reasons you should adopt a cat

11 years ago

Reasons you should adopt a cat

By: Liz Farley
Board Member

    As you may have heard, the Central Aroostook Humane Society is again packed with cats! In order to help our cats find their perfect “forever homes,” we have decided to lower the adoption fee for all cats. For the entire month of August all cat adoption fees are only $20. Yes, you read that correctly, only $20! And if you would like to adopt two cats, the adoption fee is only $30.

    In addition to providing a deserving animal a forever home of their own, there are many benefits to you and your family that are associated with cat ownership. In a June 2013 article published by some of these interesting benefits were outlined:
 • Cat owners tend to be smart! A study of British pet owners found that people who owned cats tended to be smarter than their dog-loving counterparts. Both in terms of IQ score and overall level of education, people who own cats come out on top in the brains department. It’s probably not the cat itself making you smarter, though; the researchers conducting the study said that smarter people tend to work longer hours, and since cats require less attention than dogs, they are a better choice for the busy intellectual.
• Better for the environment. If you’re worried about your carbon footprint, it’s better to own a cat. A 2009 study found that over its lifetime, the resources needed to feed a dog make the same eco-footprint as that of a Hummer. Meanwhile, cats — which eat less in general and are more likely to eat fish than corn or beef-flavored products — only have the approximate carbon footprint of a Volkswagen Golf.
• They help us to cope. Losing a loved one is incredibly painful, but one of the best ways of coping is to own a pet. Cats have been shown to help people get over their loss more quickly and show less physical symptoms of pain, like crying. Despite the fact that they are only animals, cats serve as a social support during difficult times. People in mourning report talking to their pet to work out their feelings, since it is often easier to talk to something that won’t respond and can’t judge than to another human being.
• A healthier heart! Owning any pet is good for your heart. Cats in particular lower your stress level — possibly since they don’t require as much effort as dogs — and lower the amount of anxiety in your life. Petting a cat has a positive calming effect. One study found that over a 10-year period cat owners were 30 percent less likely to die of a heart attack or stroke than non-cat owners.
• Companionship. The stereotype that dogs are more affectionate than cats is just that — a stereotype. In fact, it turns out that cats can be just as good companions as dogs, especially for women. A 2003 Swiss study found that having a cat in the house is the emotional equivalent of having a romantic partner. As well as initiating contact much of the time, studies have shown cats will remember kindness shown to them and return the favor later.
    The above are just a sampling of the endless studies and research available on the benefits of pet ownership. Do your research and visit our shelter at 26 Cross St. in Presque Isle to find the pet that is right for you!
    Please remember to have your pets spayed and neutered. Thank you for your support!