Fundraisers to benefit Washburn Destination Imagination Team

10 years ago


by Beth Boddy

    On Saturday, May 3, there will be a breakfast at the elementary school from 6:30-10 a.m. Breakfast will include pancakes, pancake bacon sticks, eggs, bacon, toast, sausage gravy and biscuits, DI-donuts (croissant/donut).  The cost will be $3 for children and $6 for adults.
The Washburn District High School Destination Imagination Team is also holding a Mother’s Day basket raffle. The basket is valued at $210 and has been put together by Bath and Body Works. Raffle tickets are $2 each or $5 for six. The drawing will be on Friday, May 9; you can get tickets from any team member or from Mrs. Reed.
There will be a huge garage sale on Saturday, May 3, from 8  a.m. to 4 p.m. at 483 Washburn Rd.
Proceeds from all these events will benefit the DI Team’s upcoming competition trip.

Rotary Club

    The Washburn Rotary Club was recently honored to welcome several members of the National Honor Society to speak at its weekly meeting. The NHS members impressed the Rotarians with their compassion and with their articulate presentation. The Washburn Rotary Club members hope that someday these young people will be Rotarians themselves!

Troop 177 attends annual Scout Show

     During the weekend of April 5, Scouts and leaders from Washburn’s Troop 177 took part in the annual North Star District Scout Show at the Aroostook Centre Mall. Washburn’s Scout Skills booth was centered on the correct way to set up camp as well as a display on the wrong way. The Scouts had a steady group of shoppers to whom they showed their skills and gave a quiz that shoppers could complete. Washburn was represented well by these young men as they showed their courteous and well-mannered side, as well as neatly uniformed presence. The  troop also went on a trip to Boston over school vacation to hike the Freedom Trail and take part in other Boston activities.

Friendly Co-op

    The next Friendly CO-OP order week will be the week of April 28 through May 3. Please have all orders in by May 3. Delivery and pickup will be Friday, May 9. If anyone is interested in buying food by the bulk or poundage, call 455-8421 or email to:

August Festival

    The August Festival Committee is busy planning for the 34th annual Washburn August Festival. The Festival dates of Aug. 15-17 are going to again be filled with many exciting and enjoyable festivities.
The Committee needs your help by you volunteering your time and talents to help in any way you can. The Committee will be working hard during the months ahead to make the festival a success. If your group or civic organization would like to partake in the festival, call Cindy Boot, chairman, at 768-1375 or email You are encouraged to reserve your spots as soon as possible.
We are also seeking sponsorships in the form of cash donations of any amount to provide the level of festivities that you have grown to expect and deserve. If you would like to make a much appreciated cash donation, you can mail it to: PO Box 45, Washburn, ME 04786.



    Those celebrating a birthday between April 30 and May 6 include: Ainsley Caron, Nathaniel Tarbox, Michael Kelley, Brittany Hernandez, Jackie Pribble, Thomas Bragg, Elaine Sherburne, Audrey Burtt, Jason Thompson, Noah Caron, Danny Churchill, Merle Bragg Sr., Hannah White, Doris Churchill and Mark Hester.
Those celebrating an anniversary between April 30 and May 6 include: Dwight and Gail Wilcox, Wendell and Joyce Doody, Alan and Anne Carter, and Jim and Kathy McCarty.
Beth Boddy is the correspondent for Perham, Wade and Washburn. She can be reached by calling 455-8427 or by e-mailing