by Beth Boddy
Scouts and leaders from Washburn Boy Scout Troop 177 attended the annual summer camp at Katahdin Scout Reservation in East Eddington during the week of June 29-July 5.
The troop traveled to camp in the troop bus and arrived at camp ready for a fun-filled week of Scouting adventure.
The troop camped in the Twin Rocks campsite that had several Adirondack lean-tos. After a week of hard work, the troop earned Honor Troop and second place in the Friday afternoon Pamola relay event. Ryan Cole completed requirements for his Tenderfoot rank and the nature and Indian lore merit badge. Aaron Skinner completed the nature and Indian lore merit badge.
Both scouts were registered in the Blackcap program working on Tenderfoot, second class and first class advancement.
Bryce Roix earned archery and shotgun, Carvor Pendexter earned swimming and shotgun, Tyler Jardine earned canoeing, shotgun and kayaking, Paul Tardie earned swimming and cooking, and Caleb Thompson earned environmental science and shotgun merit badges.
Scoutmaster Larry Harrison, Assistants Tim Roix, Matt Cole, Trevor Pendexter and Committee Chair Stacey Skinner worked on several projects at camp during the week. Wednesday evening was Dutch oven cooking in the site and a great meal was had by all.
Historical Society annual Quilt Show and Tea
The Washburn Salmon Brook Historical Society will be sponsoring its annual Quilt Show and Tea Sunday, Aug. 3 at the museum.
Another Lila Flewelling quilt will be on display, and there will also be a craft fair and silent auction. The tea is not just for women; men are welcome to attend. There will be three sittings this year at 12:30 p.m., 1:45 p.m. and 3 p.m. Tickets are $10. Seating is limited and tickets must be purchased in advance. For tickets call Louise Cole at 455-4723, Rita King at 429-9359 or Wanita Hallowell at 540-1154.
UPDATE: Flewelling’s beautiful porcelain dolls will be in the silent auction at the quilt show and during the Washburn festival.
Washburn August Festival
The August Festival Committee is busy planning for the 34th annual Washburn August Festival. The Festival dates of Aug. 15-17 are going to again be filled with many exciting and enjoyable festivities.
The August Festival Committee relies on the community support to keep this wonderful event going year after year. The Committee needs your help by volunteering your time and talents to help in any way you can. The Committee will be working hard during the weeks ahead to make the Washburn August Festival a success. If your group or civic organization would like to partake in the Festival, the Committee encourages you to contact chair Cindy Boot at 768-1375 or email her at cindyboot@live.com. You are encouraged to reserve your spots as soon as possible.
Please come and share your ideas and suggestions to make this a memorable event at our next August Festival meeting, to be held Wednesday, July 23 at 7 p.m. at the Washburn Recreation Center.
We are also seeking sponsorships in the form of cash donations of any amount to provide the level of festivities that you have grown to expect and deserve. If you would like to make a much appreciated cash donation, you can mail it to P.O. Box 45, Washburn, Maine 04786.
Those celebrating a birthday between July 16-22 include: Cindy Boot, Diane Easler, Kent Corey, Lila McCrum, Parker Sawyer, Andy Turner, Mike Farley and Parker Thompson.
Those celebrating an anniversary from July 16-July 22 include: Tom and Susan Berube, Lucky and Tammie Bragg, and Andy and Donna Turner.
Beth Boddy is the correspondent for Perham, Wade and Washburn. She can be reached by calling 455-8427 or by e-mailing bethwood@hotmail.com.