School notes – 2014

11 years ago

University of Maine at Fort Kent Dean’s List

    FORT KENT — Dr. Robert Dixon, vice president for academic affairs at the University of Maine at Fort Kent, recently announced that 364 students were named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2014 semester.
Local students who made the list include:
Colby Caron, Jonathan Chasse, Dennis Michuad and Lucy Soucy, all from Van Buren.
Timothy Bair, Ashley Drinkall, Shawn Dubay, Sarah England, Heather Montgomery, Brianna Marte, Alexa Massey, Casey Nichols, Dylan Ouellette, Carlee Pinette, Jennifer Pinette, Reggie Rideout and Elisha Willey, all from Caribou.
Devon Cote of Connor, Connor Lapierre of Hamlin, Petrina Coffin of Stockholm and Kimberly O’Bar and Henry Ward of Limestone also made the list, along with Caitlin Fowler and Heather Pelletier of Woodland.


University of Maine Dean’s List

    ORONO — The University of Maine recognized 2,130 students for achieving Dean’s List honors in the spring 2014 semester, including several local students.
They include: Devin Ballard, Annie Collins, Kayla Collins, Kayla Cormier, Renee Dube, Jerry Ferszt, Chelsea Griffeth, Haley Hunter, Nathanael Kamm, Charm Karunasiri, Katherine Keaton, Ginger Kieffer, Kelsey Morin, Samantha Murchison, Christopher Nadeau, Elainee Norris, Reanna Plourde, Paige Small, Jin Sun Thomas, Dean Walker and Nicholas Willey, all from Caribou.
Also, Emily St. Pierre of Caswell and Kelsie Espling of New Sweden, Natasha Bourgoin, Eric Laplante, Vanessa Lavoie, all of Van Buren, and Andrew Cashman, Finn Bondeson, Kendra Stephens, Ethan Stetson, all from Woodland.