University College at Houlton offers flexible degree completion options

10 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — Many Maine people have begun an investment in a college degree but, for one reason or another, have never finished. Completing a degree could help those individuals boost their incomes, advance in their careers, and inspire their children. For others it represents an important milestone of personal growth.

Students who have earned credits from previous college study are welcome to meet with a University College at Houlton adviser to review their transcripts and to begin the process of seeking credit for previous coursework. Most University of Maine System universities offer programs that accept credits from other colleges and universities and from campuses within the System. Once registered, students are encouraged to work with an adviser to determine what classes they will need to complete their degree.
Why complete a degree? According to the U.S. Census, college graduates earn about twice as much as high school graduates, and college grads have lower unemployment rates, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. There are many ways to finance a degree, including federal and state grants.
Mary Johnston finished her degree at her local University College Center.
“The Center was a big part of my being able to finish college. I wasn’t sure I could do this — but you can do it. I wanted to do this for myself and for my kids. My boss asked if I wanted to become a manager because he knew I was working on this degree.”
University College at Houlton supports students enrolled with any of the UMS universities. With dozens of degree and certificate programs available, students can choose from a wide variety of courses offered at the Center and online.
Registration for the university’s fall 2014 semester is open and ongoing. For more information about University College at Houlton and the UMS distance education courses and programs it offers, please visit or call 521-3100 or 1 (800) 584-0874.