1939: Sherwood’s Store claims to be largest and liveliest

10 years ago

115 Years Ago-Dec. 28, 1899

• Berce & Berrill have purchased a fine carriage horse of J. D. Pattee of Houlton.
• The thermometer ranged from 16 to 27 degrees below zero this morning, depending on location.

100 Years Ago-Dec. 24, 1914

• Matinee races — There will be a horse trot on the Aroostook river on Christmas Day, Dec. 25, under the auspices of the Caribou Matinee Club.
• A compliment, perhaps? — Reprinted from a letter submitted Dec. 15, by Mrs. C. A. A. Johnson, of Pigeon Cove, Mass.: “We are impressed by your writings in (the) Aroostook Republican. Without meaning to flatter you in any way, I will say that according to my opinion you have less empty words in your writing than all your predecessors…”

75 Years Ago-Dec. 28, 1939

• Best-decorated homes — Over 100 homes in Caribou village were viewed by judges before deciding upon a first place entry presented to Mrs. Grover M. Hardison, with second and third place honors awarded respectively to Mrs. Hazel Jacobs and Robert Derrick.
• Home for the holidays — Miss Mildred Kierstead, who is attending Castine Normal School in Machias, is spending a week’s vacation with her father, Randolph Kierstead. William Pelkey, who is attending C.C.C. camp in Princeton, spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pelkey. Miss Thelma Gallagher, who is teaching in Pittsfield, is spending a vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gallagher.

50 Years Ago-Dec. 24, 1964

• Currier receives Air Force commendation — The First Oak Leaf Cluster to the Air Force Commendation Medal has been awarded to Major Philip N. Currier, son of Mrs. O. L. Currier of Caribou, for meritorious achievement at Griffiss AFB, Rome, N.Y. On April 27, 1962, the aircraft he was piloting experienced a severe emergency, and Major Currier, through expert flying skill, succeeded in getting his aircraft airborne.

25 Years Ago-Dec. 27, 1989

• Oil prices up 14 percent — The price of home heating oil has increased by almost 14 cents per gallon in just one week, making prices their highest level in almost four years, announced the state Office of Energy Resources. Recorded Dec. 11 prices were 89 cents per gallon cash-price and 99 cents for credit.
• Holography is popular at Nylander — The Nylander Museum will offer special holiday hours during Christmas vacation due to the popularity of the current exhibit, “OP Tricks.” The four holograms on display represent four types of holographic technology.