Scam artists, hackers target the most vulnerable citizens

10 years ago

By Congressman Bruce Poliquin

    Time and time again, our seniors, businesses and local governments’ private information is stolen from scam artists and hackers on the Internet.
Just a few short weeks ago, several of Maine’s police departments experienced a cyber-attack and were forced to pay $300 to get their important information from being destroyed. Additionally, the website was disabled by hackers.

In February, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, which insures numerous Mainers, was a victim of a cyber-attack. According to their press release, “Cyber attackers executed a very sophisticated attack to gain unauthorized access to one of our parent company’s IT systems and have obtained personal information relating to consumers and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield employees who are currently covered, or who have received coverage in the past.”
I worry about our seniors being attacked by scam artists and hackers when they are trying to help a family member in a time of need or purchase gifts on the Internet for their grandkids.
In a recent Bangor Daily News article, The Frontlines of Elder Exploitation, Erin Rhoda explains the different types of scams that our seniors experience. Many of these scams occur over the Internet. It is imperative for Congress to help protect our seniors, businesses and local governments’ private information from cyber-attacks.
To that end, I have supported legislation that will help strengthen our cybersecurity defenses while protecting Mainers’ private and important information.
The Protecting Cyber Networks Act and the National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act, which passed the House with strong bipartisan support, will allow businesses to voluntarily share cybersecurity threats with the federal government. These bills are critical to prevent future cyber-attacks as we have seen companies, like Sony; scramble to protect their clients and employees’ personal information from hackers.
The Internet is a vital tool for many of us and Congress must ensure our personal information, such as credit card numbers, are protected.
I will continue to support legislation that will protect Mainers from the growing threat of cyber-attacks. I am honored and humbled to represent you in Congress.