Easton’s Envirothon teams perform well at regional

10 years ago


by Hillary Hallett

    The Easton Envirothon Teams competed at the Northern Regional Envirothon Competition May 19 at Mantle Lake Park in Presque Isle. Teams were tested on their knowledge in areas of wildlife, forestry, soils, aquatics, and urban forestry.

Team 1 members were Kerrigan Arnett, Abby Thompson, Madison Leach, Shawn Doody and Brandon Hosford. Team 2 members were Kristen West, Blake Bradley, Caitlin Monroe and Taylor Brown.
Team 1 placed third; team 2 placed second behind first-place Maine School of Science and Mathematics, and qualified for the state meet held at Thomas College May 29. They placed first in urban Forestry and fifth overall.

 Little School receives special delivery

    The Little School Restoration Committee is excited to share the first addition to The Little School Community Park. Special thanks to Jim Gardner for groundwork, Soderberg Construction for the donation of crushed stone, and to Jonai and Jonas of J & J Mini Barns for building the gazebo and delivering it to the school the old fashioned way.
Thanks also to the following whose contributions made the construction of the gazebo possible: Mr. Galen Cole, Huber Engineered Woods, S.W. Collins Co., Rathbun Lumber and Lowe’s.
The gazebo was designed by Jodi Bade of Austin, Texas, whose mother, Gloria Hayden Whitsel, attended first and second grade at the Little School. The Northern Maine Community College drafting class provided the construction plans.

Little School Yard Sale

    The Little School on the Station Rd. will have a yard sale June 11-14 from 8-4 each day. All proceeds will be used for the restoration of the Little School. Donated items will be accepted.

Happy Days Club

    The Happy Days Senior Citizens’ Club, with 21 members and guests, traveled to the Brookside Restaurant and the Amish store in Smyrna May 27.
The next meeting will be a potluck lunch Thursday, June 11, at 11:30 a.m. in the recreation room at the Manor.

Sesquicentennial Items

    The committee is currently selling the following items to commemorate Easton’s 150th: 20-ounce glasses with bears and sesquicentennial logos for $8, glass coffee mugs with bears and sesquicentennial logo, T-shirt with sesquicentennial logo for $8, hoodie sweatshirts with sesquicentennial logo for $25 and two-tone caps or standard caps with Easton Bears logo or sesquicentennial logo for $10.
Email info@eastonme.com or call the Town Office at 488-6652. To see samples visit eastonme.com.

Graduation Events

    Class Night will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 11, in the high school gym.
Graduation for the Class of 2015 will be held June 12 at 6 p.m. at the high school.

Easton Alumni Upcoming Events

    The annual alumni banquet will be held Thursday, June 11, at 6 p.m. in the Easton Elementary School cafeteria honoring the classes of 1965 and 1990 on their 50th and 25th anniversaries, and welcoming the Class of 2015.
The menu will be teriyaki chicken or BBQ chicken, mixed vegetables and mashed potatoes. Alumni are encouraged to bring a salad or dessert.

Reunion is July 10

    There will be a social time at Easton High School from 2-4 p.m. Come and enjoy time exploring the building and visiting with old friends from near and far. Refreshments will be served.
The All School Reunion Dinner will take place at Easton Elementary School at 6 p.m. with great food, friends and entertainment. There will also be many door prizes with local flair.

Easton PTO Update

    The Easton Elementary School PTO is still collecting BoxTops for Education – keep clipping!

Kiwanis Meetings

    Kiwanis Club of Easton meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 6-7 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall; everyone is welcome to attend. Dinner provided for a small fee.

Rec. Calendar

Wednesday, June 17

    Father’s Day projects after-school until 4:15 at the hall.
Major League baseball at Washburn at 5:30.

Thursday, June 18

    Senior/adult trip to the goat farm in Houlton. The bus departs from the Manor at 10 a.m. Participants are responsible for their own meal.
General swim at Gentile Hall; bus departs at 2:45 and returns at 4:30. The cost is $5.
Minor League practice from 5:30-6:45 on the baseball field near tennis courts.

Friday, June 19

   Senior program at the Manor starting at 11:15 about Anion emitters. Lunch will be served and program will begin at noon.

Monday, June 22

    Art Camp at the Hall from 10-12. Pre-registration required.
Weight Watchers class at 5:30 at the Elementary School.
Major game @ Mars Hill at 5:30.

Tuesday, June 16

    Northern Maine Community Recreation Association Track Meet at 10 AM at Presque Isle Middle School.
Softball games at 5:30 and 6:30 at school ball field.

Wednesday, June 17

    Field Trip to Kingswood Entertainment from 8-4:30. The cost is $20.
Major League game @ Fort Fairfield vs. Yankee at 5:30.
    Hillary Hallett is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached by sending an e-mail to: recreation@eastonme.com or call 551-7737.