Maine Audubon seeks roadside wildlife spotters

10 years ago

Maine Audubon seeks roadside wildlife spotters

As the weather warms up, many animals are on the move and are more likely to be spotted on or near Maine roads, and Maine Audubon seeks volunteers to survey state roads for signs of animal road crossings.

Information collected by volunteers about where different animals attempt to cross roads is the critical first step in identifying ways to reduce road-kill and increase safety for people and wildlife.
Maine Audubon’s Wildlife Road Watch is a web-based map and database designed to record citizen scientists’ observations of roadside and road-killed wildlife. Volunteers can participate by submitting roadside observations on the Wildlife Road Watch website. Those interested may visit wildlife-habitat/ wildlife-road-watch to register and start submitting observations.
Since the inception of the Wildlife Road Watch program in 2010, more than 460 volunteers have reported over 4,800 wildlife observations of 130 different wildlife species, including reports of rare and endangered species.
Biologists with Maine Audubon, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife and the Maine Department of Transportation will use the information gathered by volunteers to reduce road risks to wildlife and improve conditions for drivers.
To learn more about Wildlife Road Watch, contact Barbara Charry at Maine Audubon at 781-2330, ext. 225, or by email at