1940: Line squall hits Caribou region

10 years ago

115 Years Ago-1900
• Not for years have there been so many strawberry blossoms as this summer.
•Road Commissioner A.J. McDougal has certainly done a most praiseworthy job on Sweden Street, making the road one of the best highways to be found. A portion of the expense on this piece of road was borne by private subscriptions.

100 Years Ago-June 24, 1915
A multitude of motors — Forty-two automobiles were counted on Sweden Street one recent Saturday evening. This gives a slight idea of how numerous have these motorcars become within a few  years.
Second-chance sale — The auction sale of unclaimed freight on the B & A Railroad, the accumulation from all the stations on the road, which was held at the B & A freight depot in Caribou Wednesday, was largely attended, and many surprises resulted upon opening the newly acquired boxes or barrels. It is rather strange how much freight is ordered by different parties, and then never called for.
75 Years Ago-June 20, 1940
Squall’s aftermath — Last Saturday afternoon with terrific speed a line squall hit the Caribou region, spilling a quarter-inch of rain in five minutes’ time and loosing a wind measured at 66 mph. The carnival at Blotner Motor Shows received damage. The harsh wind blew down a wrestling and Hawaiian dancing tent, tore a beano tent to shreds, and pushed the heavy Ferris wheel four feet out of center, all but tipping it over.
Helping local children — The Caribou Lions Club this week finished a tonsil clinic for underprivileged children. A large number of youngsters were examined and those in need of operations listed. From this list five were drawn for operations, with all expenses paid by the Lions Club.
50 Years Ago-June 24, 1965
Touching history — A Caribou man who is in Washington, D.C., as a legislative aide to Congressman William D. Hathaway of Maine, recently sat in on history. Peter S. Kelley, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Kelley, attended the ceremony June 17 in which members of the House of Representatives, their families and staff greeted astronauts James McDivitt and Edward White. Kelley later shook hands with the space heroes.
Best in Show — Asher Chambers and his Overland 30 model car won “Best in Show” honors in the Antique Car Rally held last weekend in Skowhegan. Chambers’ single-seat roadster may be the only one of its kind in the country.
25 Years Ago-June 20, 1990
Takes new helm —Robert Clark of Fort Fairfield, currently the director of economic development for the city of Caribou, has been hired as the new executive director of the Northern Maine Regional Planning Commission. Clark was endorsed 26-0 by the NMRPC governing board.
Breaking ground — A ground-breaking ceremony marked the beginning of construction of the new County Federal Credit Union building on Bennett Drive in Caribou. On hand for the bank were Mary Dorsey, branch manager; Pat St. Peter, president; and Joe Bouchard, David King and Jack Phelan, directors.