Region Two students earn awards

8 years ago
PT BU REGION TWO 13 16 17357486Contributed photo
MEDAL WINNERS — SkillsUSA Maine State Championship medal winners from Region Two are, front row from left, Bethany Lindsey and Mariah Boyd; and back, Chase McNally, Nolan Altvater and Isaiha Littleton.


HOULTON — Region Two School of Applied Technology participated in the 50th annual SkillsUSA Maine State Championships March 3 and 4.

SkillsUSA is a national student-led organization that encourages students to explore and refine job readiness and leadership skills, while studying in their career and technical education programs.

This year, Region Two had the most student participation it has seen at the state championships since it reinstated its chapter of SkillsUSA five years ago, with more than 25 students participating in a variety of competitions.

The students’ work paid off as five students were awarded medals in their respective competitions: Bethany Lindsay, a student in automotive collision and repair technologies, earned the bronze medal in automotive refinishing; Chase McNally, a student in law enforcement, earned a silver medal in employability knowledge; and three students in the law enforcement program — Nolan Altvater, Mariah Boyd and Isaiha Littleton — earned the gold medal in crime scene investigation.

This accomplishment has earned the three gold medalists the opportunity to travel to Louisville, Kentucky the week of June 20-24 to compete at the national level in the 51st Annual SkillsUSA National Championships.

To help these students cover the expenses associated with attending the National Championships Region Two’s chapter of SkillsUSA will be hosting a variety of fundraisers and events in the coming weeks and months, including our second annual Spaghetti Dinner and Live Auction, as well as an Expo Fair and Inside Yard Sale.

Anyone wishing to contribute to these events or making a monetary contribute to assist these students in achieving their goal of attendance at National Championships, please contact advisors Alison Reece or David Socoby at Region Two School of Applied Technology by calling 532-9541.