Free money management class begins next month

8 years ago

Free money management class

begins next month

    PRESQUE ISLE — Starting May 4, New Ventures Maine will offer My Money Works: Tools for Smart Money Choices, a free four-week class to help participants gain the skills and confidence to stretch their money, pay bills, reduce debt, find money for savings, plan for retirement, and set personal financial goals.

    Suzanne Senechal-Jandreau of Presque Isle’s New Ventures office, trainer for the class, said, “Managing your money is scary when you don’t feel in control. Regardless of how much money you have or what stage you are in your life, this class helps you find out where your dollars are going, set financial priorities, and take charge of managing your own money.”
    At the end of the class, those attending will have a plan in place to achieve greater financial stability, she noted.
    My Money Works will be held on Wednesdays from May 4-25 from 5:30-8 p.m. at the University of Maine at Presque Isle in Folsom Hall. A follow-up session is scheduled to provide additional networking and support. Successful completion of this class meets one of the requirements for the Family Development Account (FDA) or the Rainy Day Savings account, which are matched savings account programs.
    The class is open to women, men and couples of all ages and incomes. Pre-registration by May 2 is required, and there is no fee for the training.
    For more information or to register, contact Senechal-Jandreau at 768-9635 or