Cary Library Corner

9 years ago

Editor’s Note: The following article is a synopsis written by staff members and volunteers of the Cary Memorial Library in Houlton highlighting one of the suggested reading books, as determined by the staff.

Bears and their appetites are in the news lately and Tom Merriam has written not only about his father, but bears,as well, in “The Bears’ Guide To Dining Out”. (jFIC Mer P)

He vividly describes how bears can literally clear out a fancy restaurant of its food and also its patrons, quickly! Well, the same thing happens in a deli: and the bear must gobble fast because when the diners leave, they usually bring back help to chase the big eater away. Bears are advised to make their exit through the kitchen, grabbing snacks as they leave.

As this hungry bear roams around he also discovers garbage cans, berry patches, birdfeeders, and honeycombs. Rhymes are clever in this writing with strong pictures throughout.

OKay! When a bear is always eating, what might happen? Perhaps get a toothache? Well, our second book is by David McPhail writing about just that: “The Bear’s Toothache” and how a little boy solves the problem of getting the painful tooth out. (jF E) As a Mom I would not recommend following this procedure, yet it makes for fun reading as most children’s book are. These McPhail illustrations are dusky with faint traces of color appropriate for a middle-of-the-night story. Fantasies about real animals can be fun if approached in the traditionally make-believe way.

The Cary Summer Reading Program is in full swing now and what fun as reports come in, names are drawn for prizes, and we meet old friends! Can’t help having a ball!!

The Cary Memorial Library is open Mondays-Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.; and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call 532-1302.