MMA awards Sutherland for dedicated public service

Terry Sandusky, Special to The County
8 years ago

Chapman Select Board Chair Patricia Sutherland was awarded the Maine Municipal Association’s most prestigious award – the Ethel Kelley Memorial Award – for her dedicated public service to her community for the past 42 years. She received the award in front of her peers at the MMA’s annual convention in Bangor on Wednesday, Oct. 5.

Her volunteer service started in 1974 with seven years on the SAD 1 school board and becoming the first woman chair of the board. She served on the Chapman Budget Committee 1974-2002, the Chapman Planning Board 1983-2004 (chair from 1986-2004) and as Maine State Representative 2006-2009.

Since 2005, Sutherland has served on the Chapman Select Board and has been board chair from 2012 to the present. She has represented Chapman on the Northern Maine Development Commission and chaired the commission board from 1995 to 1997.|

A lifelong Chapman resident, she led the fight against a septage spreading permit application on a parcel of land on the town’s west side. Last year she chaired the town’s Centennial Committee and helped bring the town together to celebrate its history.

She published the 94-page book, “Chapman: A Glimpse Through the Years,” and designed a wooden nickel so her fellow citizens could remember the occasion and learn more about their town’s forefathers. Her efforts brought together nearly 25 percent of the entire town’s population, from both sides, to share their unique moment in history.

Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman adopted Maine’s first three-town comprehensive plan; as chair of the Joint Select Board in 2012, Sutherland was the catalyst to push the plan to its conclusion. All three towns unanimously adopted the plan in 2013 at their respective town meetings.

As Select Board chair, Sutherland moved to increase board membership and led the Select Board during the development of their comprehensive Land Use Ordinance. She was then instrumental in fostering public acceptance of a quality ordinance, adopted unanimously at town meeting in 2015.

As the Chapman representative on the Northern Maine Development Commission’s executive board, Sutherland has served on many committees and is currently the chair of the Aroostook County Tourism Committee.

Town Manager Jon Frederick noted she was the first woman to chair the NMDC. “I have served on this board with Pat since 2013 and have observed her actively defending her town while watching out for the best interests of Aroostook County,” Frederick said.

In 2014, Sutherland was nominated to the Maine Municipal Association Executive Committee, on which she still serves.

In presenting her with the Ethel Kelley Memorial Award, the MMA described Sutherland as “a community leader who is dedicated to her community and has selflessly served her local government continuously for 42 years. She has been a force in holding her community together and embodies the spirit of MMA’s most prestigious award.”

Road commissioner

Town Manager Jon Frederick announced the Towns of Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman have hired Mapleton’s Christopher Woodworth as their new road commissioner.

Woodworth has worked for the towns as an equipment operator since August of 2008, giving him a solid foundation in municipal public works. Prior to joining the towns, he was an equipment operator for Lane Construction Corporation in Presque Isle for 10 years.

Woodworth has been a Mapleton volunteer firefighter since 1986, currently holding the rank of lieutenant.

“Chris is a lifelong Mapleton resident, has served the communities for 30 years, and brings the necessary municipal and public works experience to be successful as our road commissioner,” said Town Manager Jon Frederick.

Public Supper

The Chapman Ridge Runners will have a baked potato and dessert public supper at the clubhouse in Chapman on Friday, Oct 21, from 4-6:30 p.m. There will be a variety of toppings for the potatoes and a selection of desserts to choose from. Drinks are included at no extra charge.

The cost is $6 for adults and $3 for children under 12. Take-outs will be available. This is a public fundraiser for the club; all are welcome.

Craft Workshop

Haystack Historical Museum will hold a Christmas Craft Workshop Oct. 22 from 1-3 p.m. Lisa Shephard, who was the museum’s instructor at its spring tea in May, will present the workshop.
Shephard teaches many craft workshops in Maine and New England. She will lead participants in using kits to make homemade Christmas cards and a Christmas house decoration.

To reserve kits and a workshop seat, call 764-0290.

Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at