Snowmobile Trail Report (week of February 7, 2018)

Gary Marquis, Special to The County
6 years ago

This past weekend was certainly a very lucrative weekend for all hotels, restaurants, gas stations and every shop in between.  The Long Lake Ice Fishing derby was another great success with over a thousand anglers vying for the big prize.  I was told that the Madawaska Groomer Fundraiser Breakfast was a huge success, way to go everyone.

The racing down in Caribou was also a huge success with some fast speeds and times, approximately over 650 people came out to watch some great side by side racing and of course Mother Nature was the big help over the weekend with some great temps and bright blue skies, who wouldn’t want to be out.

Well, enough of the past. Let’s talk about the future. The crystal ball looks like we might get a little bit of snow.  Reports from the clubs are that the trails are in great condition and have recouped from the heavy traffic over the weekend.

Remember, the MOOSE, DEER, AND TURKEY ARE EVERYWHERE so please ride with caution.

Trail info

ITS 92 — This trail is groomed and in great shape from Fort Kent all the way to the Allagash, make sure you stop in to the Saint Francis Clubhouse on your way through or grab a bite to eat at Two Rivers Restaurant in Allagash.  Gas is available trailside at Chamberlain’s.

ITS 90 — This trail is in great shape from the East side to the West side.   Caribou is reporting a small muddy area where the trail comes down through a section of woods before trail 105.  Please use caution.

ITS 120 — Allagash has reported they have gone done all the way to where they meet with Eagle Lake and reports are in good shape.  I hear reports that this trail is in great shape

ITS 83 — One of the most diverse trails that we have in the County.  We go from rolling hills and farms through wooded sections, to railbed down through more fields onto another bed and don’t forget to stop by Washburn trailside going through Washburn then another railbed trough Crouseville over the Aroostook river then into Presque Isle and on to Central Aroostook and you might have to stop at the Blue Moose restaurant and down into Houlton.  Then onto New Limerick, Linnaeus you might have to stop a Grammys and on your way down to more rolling hills.  Benedicta is reporting low snow and ice in areas but they are flat. Presque Isle is reporting deer everywhere near the Parson’s Road.  Red arrow is reporting their section to be in good shape.  Also, let’s welcome a new convenience store located right on 83, Roy’s Variety LLC.

ITS 81 — This trail is connected all the way through There is a logging operation on the section in Grand Isle please watch for signs.   There is a logging operation where trail 98B and 81 intersect watch for signs.  Madawaska is reporting good conditions.  Van Buren has one of their machines up and going and they are doing what they can to catch up.  Frenchville is reporting their section is in great shape.  Madawaska is reporting that their section will be done tonight.  Easton is out grooming their section right now.

ITS 85 — This trail is open and in good condition all the way through.  There is active logging operation at the intersection of where Portage and Eagle Lake meet near red river bridge.    Frenchville is reporting very good conditions.  Ashland is reporting good conditions on their section.  In the Oxbow area they have been grooming all week and the base is hard but not real icy.  They have groomed their section this week and will be done again Friday and Saturday.  Fort Kent is reporting excellent conditions throughout their system, don’t forget Fort Kent has great access to their downtown and with some wonderful restaurants to fill your belly.

ITS 105 — This trail is in good condition.    

ITS 88 — From Fort Fairfield through Presque Isle, Aroostook River are reporting good conditions.  Ashland is also reporting great conditions

Trail 61 in Washburn is now open and meets up with ITS 90W

Trail 89 — This trail is open to the Black Bear Lodge and connects with trail 102 which is the old trail 100 that Pleasant Ridge Riders maintains.  From this intersection North to 94 still has not been connected.  Caribou will put it on Social media when connected.

Caswell is reporting that they will have their entire system groomed and in great shape for the weekend.

Limestone will be out tonight and tomorrow and over the weekend.

Trail 71D is closed for the season as there is logging, this is in the Grand Lake Seboeis area.

Municipal trail 70 Benedicta/Whetstone Falls is closed due to heavy logging

Trail 81 — This trail is in great shape.

Presque Isle is reporting that their trails are in good condition and are hard and flat.  

Chapman is reporting good conditions.

Easton Snowmobile Club is reporting their whole system is in great shape.

Trail 73 and 73B is being maintained by Fort Kent and are reporting good conditions.  There is a logging operation South of little black lake area, watch for signs.

Central Aroostook Snowmobile Club are reporting a lot of Moose traffic on the #9 lake trail and Rte. 70A.

Number 9 lake trail is in good condition.  

Southern Aroostook

The Oakfield Smoki Haulers report that all trails are groomed. ITS83 to the West Branch Bridge and the 83A Loop trail are looking good. Club Trail 61 is complete to the Brookside Inn and to the Toner Trail in the other direction. All water holes have been patched.

Linneus Sno-Sports has groomed ITS 83 and reports that things are a little bumpy in the fields but passable. ITS 105 from Hodgdon to club trail 1 completes the loop back to ITS 105 to the south.

The Meduxnekeag Ramblers have completed ITS 86 to St. Croix Stream, ITS 83 North to Monticello and will be grooming ITS 86 south to Houlton then connecting to ITS 105 to open the trails to Hodgdon. This is Moosestompers Weekend so the groomers will be working to break trails into Community Park for the festivities. Listen to WHOU for updates on the festivities. There have been some changes in the schedule due to Saturdays expected low temperatures. Trail conditions are excellent!

Big Valley Snow Club of Island Falls has been out grooming for 3 days in anticipation of a great weekend. ITS 83 is finished North and South. Club trails 54 and 60 are looking good from Oakfield to ITS 83. They say the trails are excellent and have really seen an uptick in sleds on the trails.

Molunkus Valley will be grooming the Bible Point Trail before the weekend. All other trails look to be in excellent shape. The club will be having a potluck on Saturday at 5 p.m. at the clubhouse on 58 North St. in Sherman

Oxbow has ITS 85 groomed from Masardis to their connection with the Patten Club. ITS 86 will be groomed on Thursday. They report that the trails are hard but there is plenty of loose snow for lubrication.

Rockabema Snow Rangers have had all 3 groomers out and have completed ITS 81 to Shin Pond, 112 to Island Falls and club trail 62 north. The trails have an excellent hard 6” base and while there isn’t an abundance of snow trail conditions are really great and should withstand the number of sleds expected on the trails.

Eastern Maine Snow Riders who cover 3, 3A and ITS 110 to Macwahoc will have all trails groomed by tomorrow and report excellent conditions. The water hole after the bridge in Macwahoc is still an issue but it’s well marked and easy to find the by-pass.

Bowlin-Matagamon-Shin Pond Snowmobile Club’s trails are all in excellent shape.  Riders passing through are also reporting the same as they ride from the Millinocket area all the way up through to Fort Kent and vice versa.  There continues to be enough snow for sled lubrication and cooling.  The groomer operators have done an excellent job all season and it been nice to see that riders are really recognizing their efforts! The whole system has been groomed over the last couple of days and will be again prior to the upcoming weekend. 

Moose stompers is this weekend with a snowmobile parade Friday night and access to the event by sled from the Foxcroft Rd. Visit the FB site for more information on events throughout the weekend.

On the social side

Presque Isle Snowmobile club has Stew night every Friday starting at 5 at their Clubhouse.  

St. Francis Sno Angels Will have their clubhouse open on Saturdays from 11-7

Meduxnekeag Ramblers Snowmobile Club big breakfast is on for this Saturday the 3rd.  6-10am

Carter Brook Snowbirds snowmobile club will be having a Chicken Stew and Ployes supper Saturday the 17th of February.  4:30-7:30.

Washburn Trail Runner’s Clubhouse will be opening on the 5th for the season.  Friday’s hours are from 8-12   Saturday 7-2          Sunday 7-12

Fort Fairfield snowmobile club breakfast at the Clubhouse located on the Strict land road.  February 11th from 7-10

Moosetown riders will be having their membership meeting February 7 at 6:30 Allagash School.  All are welcome.

Portage Lakers will be having their annual pie auction at Dean’s Motor Lodge on Saturday February 17 at 7pm