Superstars raise money for Houlton senior class

6 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — Showtime basketball came to Houlton Middle-High School Friday evening as the Harlem Superstars brought their brand of comedy basketball to town.

More than 750 people filled Alumni Gymnasium for a night of slam dunks, one-liners and comedic antics as the Superstars, a comedy basketball team based out of Massachusetts, took on the 2018 “Senior Dream Team.”

The Harlem Superstars are a group of talented basketball players whose main mission is to entertain children and their families through “show time” basketball. The shows are filled with fan participation and plenty of laughs.

The Senior Dream Team was made up of Alexis Miller, Ellen Hatfield, Morgan Phillips, Garrett Perkins, Cameron Cleary, Claire Gilpatrick, Nick Perfitt, Colby Callnan, Pat Howe and Mia Hanning.

Each year, the Superstars also make it a point of visiting Houlton Elementary and Southside schools to speak to area children on a variety of topics, such as peer pressure, bullying and the dangers of drugs.

The event raised about $1,500 for the senior class after expenses.