Logging truck takes out traffic lights, utility pole in Caribou

6 years ago

CARIBOU, Maine — The logs atop a loaded truck driving through the Fort Street and Route 1 intersection early Wednesday morning caught the traffic lights, knocking them and the utility pole down, according to Laura Adams, administrative assistant with the Caribou Police Department.

Leo Sirois of St. John Plantation, who was driving the truck owned by Beaulieu and Sons, Inc., was not injured, Adams said, but the accident caused significant damage to the truck as well as to city property.

As of Wednesday afternoon, the lights were still out and road crews were guiding traffic while crews with Emera Maine worked to repair the damage.

Caribou police were expected to turn over the accident investigation to the commercial vehicle enforcement division of the Maine State Police, according to Adams.

She added in a press release that a crew from the Maine Department of Transportation also would be arriving Thursday to work on repairs to the traffic light.