100 Years Ago – Dec. 30, 1920
Fertilizer –The fertilizer for the 1921 crop of potatoes has begun to arrive.
75 Years Ago – Dec. 27, 1945
Hunting license — Doc Harmon, reportedly the first Caribou resident to purchase his hunting and fishing licenses every year, has reportedly already purchased his license for 1946.
50 Years Ago – Dec. 30, 1970
New dam — Limestone drew closer to the construction of a dam across Limestone Stream when it applied to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for a federal permit to build it.
Police department — The Caribou Police Department has invited all Caribou children to drop in today for their annual Christmas Candy Giveaway.
25 Years Ago – Dec. 27,1995
Legislative honor — Caribou Rotarian Charles Hatch of Caribou was presented a legislative sentiment in recognition of his being named Rotary Club’s 1995 Paul Harris Fellow. The presentation was made by Julie Marie Robichaud during the Caribou Rotary Club’s Wednesday, Dec. 20, meeting at Jade Palace.
All Aroostook — Congratulations to Anna Sprague, an eighth-grade student at Stockholm School, who was selected as first choir clarinet for the All Aroostook Band. This is the fourth consecutive year that she has been chosen.