Houlton area From our Files – Week of December 29, 2021

Beth Lacombe, Special to The County
3 years ago

100 Years Ago – Dec. 29, 1921

Unemployment bureau A further step to relieving unemployment in Houlton this winter and providing work for those in need was taken this week with the establishment of an Unemployment Registration Bureau at the office of the Selectmen.

Siren replaces police bell — The electric bell on the lamp post at Purlington’s corner to summon the police has been replaced by a modern siren atop the Rice block which can be heard as far away as the Grange Store and the B&A Station.

75 Years Ago – Dec. 25, 1946

Exchange Hotel burns — One of the early landmarks of this town, the Houlton Exchange Hotel on Patten Street, was destroyed by fire causing a loss of $15,000. The lobby also contained a grocery store. It was the only hotel in the community.

Play area in the works — Director of the recreational department, Robert Hunter, announced today that plans for a playground at the empty lot near St. Mary’s. The town donated the land to make a playground for the children in the area. Funds for this play area were raised through local clubs of the community.

50 Years Ago – Dec. 29, 1971

Toys for the children Officiers Darrell Malone and Daniel Henderson delivered toys last week to the children’s ward at the Madigan Memorial Hospital for the youngsters who were in the hospital over Christmas. The police department had collected funds as one of their Yuletide projects. There were plenty of toys for the children in the hospital.

25 Years Ago – Dec. 25, 1996

First MooseStompers underway Plans are progressing for the area’s first MooseStompers Weekend on Feb. 7-9, 1997. The event is sponsored by the Town of Houlton and three local ski doo clubs. All sorts of games, activities and events will take place at the event.

Annual auction The Houlton Rotary Club has termed this year’s Radio/TV Auction a success to date as the club has made over $15,000 to fund their charities with some additional money still to come in. It was the first year for the TV coverage to go along with the radio coverage. Club President Chris Anderson said the auction is a success due to the generosity of local businesses and citizens.