Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of June 15, 2022

3 years ago

75 Years Ago – June 12, 1947

Homer E. Cyr was named president of Lions Club — Homer E. Cyr was unanimously elected president of the Presque Isle Lions Club at its weekly meeting Thursday evening at the Northeastland hotel.

Other officers elected were: Paul FIles, first vice president; Eugene Rowe, second vice president; Carroll Pritham, third vice president; John Pasqual, secretary; Harry Michaud, treasurer; Roy H. Smith, lion tamer; Leon Michaud, tail twister; Joseph LaBrie and Ora C. Smith, directors for one year; Ralph Hanna and Carl Moskowitz, directors for two years.

Greenlaw block sold — The George Nightingale Co. purchased the Greenlaw Block on Main street from Mrs. Dorothy H. Craven of Bangor, daughter of the late Roy Greenlaw, George Nightingale announced. The first two floors of the three-story building were occupied by Wilkins’ dry goods store, Larry’s automotive store, Joseph Olore’s tailor shop, the Dennis Studio, Hazen Drake’s barber shop, the Egline DeChaine corset shop, and the offices of Dr. F.S. Walker, dentist, Milton Smith, potato broker, the Barker Insurance Agency, and Dr. K.H. Bonenfant, dentist, and apartments occupied by Leo Long, Parker Bailey Jr. and Harold Beaulieu. The third floor of the building contained the Knights of Columbus hall and another large hall.

50 Years Ago – June 14, 1972

Sutter honored — Stephen R. Sutter of Presque Isle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sutter, who graduated from the University of Maine at Orono with distinction in agricultural and resource economics, was awarded the Wall Street Journal Student Achievement Award. The award, based on outstanding academic achievement, consisted of a specially designed silver medal and a year’s subscription to the Wall Street Journal. The winner was selected by the department faculty. 

Most valuable athlete — Wayne Pike was proud of the trophies that he took as Northern Maine Vocational Technical Institute’s most valuable athlete for 1972. Pike was a senior construction student from Norway. He was voted “Most Valuable Player” in soccer and won varsity letters in basketball and baseball.

Science award made — Miss Cynthia Johnston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Johnston of Presque Isle, received the Chemical Rubber Company’s Freshman Chemistry Achievement Award from Dr. Terrance B. Tripp. Miss Johnston received a copy of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics and was one of a thousand students nationwide to receive this coveted annual award. Cynthia was a freshman student at UMPI at the time majoring in science, and she was a graduate of Presque Isle High School.

25 Years Ago – June 11, 1997

Open for business — The Quest Center, located on US Route 1 in Presque Isle, celebrated a grand opening celebration June 7. Specializing in the development of realistic personal protection and life skills, the Quest Center provided martial arts training to people of all ages. The Quest Center was part of a national chain of studios featuring a curriculum developed by Stephen K. Hayes, a martial arts expert and 10th degree black belt. Ray Saucier Jr. of Presque Isle served as branch manager for the center, which was owned by Brett Varnum. 

Porteous appointed new manager  — Porteous Department Store announced the appointment of Debi Ames as new manager, replacing Brenda Sleeper. Ames was promoted to manager from buyer of children’s apparel as well as shoes and luggage. She had been with Porteous since the store opened in 1993.

Retail graduates — The Aroostook Retail Academy graduated its first class of professional associates. The Academy was one of three sites in Maine that was part of a pilot program, which was sponsored by the Center for Adult Learning and Literacy, the National Retail Federation and the Aroostook Literacy Coalition. Graduates included Denise Miller, Terry Adler, Wendy Loggans, Virginia Forbes and Carols da Cruz. Graduates accumulated 240 hours in curriculum programs.