Caribou area From our Files – Week of August 9, 2023

12 months ago

115 Years Ago – Aug. 6, 1908

Repairs are complete — Repairs on the building occupied by Tornquist Brothers grocery are now complete. A new basement with concrete walls and floor has been put in, an addition built on the rear and other improvements made. The work was done under the supervision of E. O. Dahlstrom.

In town for a visit — Rev. E. E. Harris of Buxton spent several days in town this week. Mr. Harris was ‘devil’ in the Republican office 21 years ago, under the paper’s former proprietor, A. W. Hall. And, quoting from the files of that year, the local item referring to Mr. Harris’ leaving the printing business on account of his health, added that he had been a ‘good devil.’ That certainly is a rare combination. And we might add that the rise from a ‘devil’ to a minister is also rather a strange combination.

100 Years Ago – Aug 9, 1923

Car trouble —  A popular Fort Fairfield clerk recently established an unusual local reputation as a pedestrian. He was in a neighboring town one night,and about 2:30 a.m.  thought it would be a good plan to come home but his car was contrary, and it wouldn’t start. Our young friend remarked a good many remarks, quoted scripture a little, and cranked and twisted and turned everything there was in the car several times over but there was nothing doing: that car simply wouldn’t go, but persisted in acting out the balky donkey. Well, our perserving young friend started to walk to Fort Fairfield, getting there about 5:00 p.m. which is certainly good work for a man not much in practice in the walking line. The boys say there wasn’t any gasoline in the car, but this is probably a mean version of the affair.

Business is looking up — J. E. Harnish, commonly known as ‘Eddie,’ a former clerk at the Vanghan House, who recently leased the Limestone House in Limestone, reports that business has been fairly good since he took charge. He has thoroughly renovated the hotel and now has an establishment that is a credit to the town.

75 Years Ago – Aug. 5, 1948

New telephones in town — In Caribou, 700 telephones have been installed in the past three years to bring the total of telephones in service there up to 2154, according to H. G. Brown, manager of the Presque Isle office.

Name Maine publishers to NEA Committees — Names of several Maine publishers have been announced by Orrin R. Taylor, president of the National Editorial Association, to serve on various committees for the new NEA year. The National Editorial Association is a trade organization for 9,000 weeklies and 1100 small dailies throughout the country. Charles P. Helfenstein, publisher of the Aroostook Republican, is immediate past president of the organization. He is appointed chairman of the Public Relations committee, and has also been named to the committee on newsprint supply and demand and to the Audit Bureau of circulation committee. B. E. Esters of the Pioneer Times, Houlton, is named to the committee for NEA program objectives. He is also one of the NEA directors. Kiingdon Harvey of the Fort Fairfield Review is appointed to the agricultural committee.

25 Years Ago – Aug. 12, 1998

Rotary donations — Members of the Caribou Rotary Club: Galen Rockwell, Mike Fitzgerald, Dave Wilcox, Dick Mattila, Art Gorney and Mark Sleeper, try out one of the new picnic tables at the pavilion off Washburn Street in Caribou. Rotary donated the funding for a variety of amenities around the Collins Pond Park including the picnic tables. Bike racks, benches, tables and trash receptacles were also donated.

Shoppers find bargains as the market closes — Caribou resident Dolores Sperrey got more than they bargained for when she decided to go to the Caribou Flea Market on Sunday. On the back wall of the former Agway building, many paintings were for sale and one in particular caught her eye. It was a painting that her first cousin painted. It was the last days of the Caribou Flea Market, which has operated  in a building on the Access Highway for several years. The building was recently sold, and the flea market’s proprietors aren’t planning to continue.