Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of April 10, 2024

Compiled by Yvonne Tardie, Special to The County
9 months ago

99 Years Ago – April 9, 1925

Forming a Boys’ Garden Club — County Agent Beverly was in town and met with sixteen boys at the High School for the purpose of forming a Boys’ Garden Club under the leadership of Wallace Higgings with Clifton Higgins acting as assistant leader. Twenty-three boys signed cards and planned to start work on their project. The previous year, the Boys’ Club exhibited at the Presque Isle Fair and three of them won $21 in premiums.

50 Years Ago – April 10, 1974

Easton Lions raised $2,000 — A little over $2,000 was cleared by the Easton Lions Club Auction held Saturday, April 6, at the Easton High School Gym. Auctioneers were Henry Rackliff, Paul Mullen and Jesse Pelfrey. Some 446 items were auctioned off in a little over five hours. Door prizes were won by Preston Day Jr. twice, Troy Dobson and Ronald Stewart won the grand door prize of 25 silver dollars.

Eastern Maine bowling champs — The Presque Isle Elks bowling team were the new champions of the Eastern Maine Bowling Tournament which concluded Saturday at the Houlton Elks Club. Members of the winning team were Bob Breton, Cy Collins, Phil Michaud, Moe Collins and Bud Porter. The Presque Isle Elks defeated Millinocket Elks in the last match of the tournament to take the title.

Instructor won national award — Anna Dana, who taught photography courses at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, won a national award in a photography competition sponsored by Redbook Magazine. The photograph, taken of her husband, Joel, and daughter, Jocelyn, won the Honorable Mention Award in the international contest that produced over 70,000 entries. 

Northern Maine Vocational-Technical Institute wrestlers — Northern Maine Vocational-Technical Institute was the only two year school in the state boasting a wrestling team. In competition with the University of New Brunswick and several small four year schools in Maine, the team compiled a 3-3-2 match record. The wrestlers were Stan Anderson, Wayne Ouellette, John Decato, Rick Hanjoy, Steve Higgins, Jerry Wheaton. Emile Rossignol, Peter Cyr, Marc Searles, Randy Hutchins, Gene Dougherty and Mike Hooper.

25 Years Ago – April 14, 1999

Tim Hortens opened in Presque Isle — It’s been a busy few weeks for the new Tim Hortons on North Main Street. Store co-owner and manager Marie-Claude Cyr said the restaurant’s opening March 23 and was busier than expected and the flow of traffic in and out of the eatery had held for three weeks. Cyr owned the store with her husband Jeannot Cyr, and lived in Grand Falls, New Brunswick. The couple owned the restaurant with Yvon LeClerc, also of Grand Falls, who operated a Tim Hortons in Canada.

Weatherman’s visit — Ric Tyler, meteorologist for Channel 7 in Bangor, was a special guest of Jeff Wark’s science classes April 5. Tyler is his “career name”’ his true identity is Brad Buck, formerly of Washburn elementary schools prior to moving to Presque Isle in 1971. He spoke to the class about good and bad weather and how each is created. Tyler used a globe and props while explaining weather systems, and high and low pressure areas while also involving the students in role playing for clear explanations.

A check from the Ashland Rotarians — The Ashland Rotary presented the Aroostook Valley Health Center with a check to help purchase new equipment. Those present during the check presentation were Lester Junkins, Jane Sprague and Dale Louridas, Rotarians; Peter Louridas, Rotarian and President of AVHC’s Board of Directors; John Thyng, Physician Assistant; Carol Cote, AVHC Administrative Assistant; and Virgina Pinkham, Rotarian and AVHC Board Member.