Speaker shares healthy eating tips

Terry Sandusky, Special to The County
1 month ago

The November Healthy Aging Luncheon sponsored by Northern Light A.R. Gould Hospital and Cary Medical Center was held at the State Road Advent Christian Church in Mapleton.  

The featured speaker was Nancy Holmquist, Siruno Stroke Program manager and health educator at Cary Medical Center.  She discussed the benefits of eating Mediterranean style.  

Mediterranean style is a mix of culinary traditions from Spain, Italy, France, Greece and the Middle East.  To properly eat in this style, people need to follow the “The Three Eats”: Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and legumes; eat moderately with lean proteins from fish and some chicken; and eat less red meats and sweets. 

The Healthy Aging Luncheon was held Nov. 14 at the State Road Advent Christian Church and hosted jointly by Northern Light A.R. Gould Hospital and Cary Medical Center. Pictured is Nancy Holmquist, community health educator, who spoke on the benefits of eating Mediterranean style.
(Courtesy of Terry Sandusky)

Holmquist taught ways to incorporate the diet and provided recipes for chicken noodle soup, apple crisp, vegan chicken salad, hearty tortellini soup and a Swedish apple dessert.  Recipes were adjusted to be healthy as well as tasty.

She talked about the impact of healthy eating on blood pressure management, diabetes type 2 and stroke prevention and answered many questions.

Dawn Roberts, community health coordinator, thanked everyone for attending and thanked Jo-Ellen Kelley, a volunteer, and Elizabeth Singer, community relations coordinator at Cary, for assisting with the luncheon. Local caterer Rob Ottaviano served a delicious lunch that was enjoyed by all.

The Healthy Aging Luncheons will take a break for the winter.

Kids’ holiday shopping

The Mapleton Daze Holiday Shopping for Kids is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 14, from 9:30 a.m. to noon at the Mapleton Elementary School.   

Kids should be brought to the Mapleton Elementary School to do some holiday shopping for their parents and/or grandparents.  Prices will range from 50 cents to under $5. The Mapleton Daze “elves” will be on hand to help the little ones shop and they have a wrapping station with free wrapping available.

While kids wait to shop, there will be free activities including having pictures taken with Santa.  

More information can be found at:   https://www.facebook.com/events/3767526056797470.

If anyone would like to help the Mapleton Daze Committee, message Lynnelle Foster or Laurie Boucher.  This is an excellent activity for high school students who want to earn community service volunteer hours.

Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at starherald.Tsandusky@gmail.com.